|Chapter 7 Purple Boy Who Screamed Ghost!|

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Word count: 1023

"Last night I had a surprise drop in from.. What was his name, Toritsuka? Yeah, that was it. I touched his wrist without my gloves on and now I can see ghosts. and they're all super weird. And half naked." Kusuo grumbled.

"Kinda wish I was there. He sounds like an interesting person. Interesting as in interesting to laugh at." I sigh. "Did you hear about the cool new transfer student in the class next door?" A kid asked from a seat Infront of us. "really?" Another asked the first.

Kusuo immediately gets up from his seat, and heads out of the room. I get up and follow suit. He basically runs down the hall, and boy is he fast. Once we get to the class next door he pulls the door open.

Me and Kusuo turn our attention to the small crowd huddled in the corner of the room. They were saying something about guardian angels. "Wait, is that the kid you said is psychic as well?" I ask Kusuo.

"Would you keep your voice down? I don't want anyone to find out." Kusuo says.

"Don't worry. Everyone here is stupid, so they won't figure it out."

"You have a point, carry on." Kusuo says.

The purple hair boy turns his attention to us. "Master! Thanks for yesterday!" He yells. "Master? I didn't know you were into that kinky stuff." I snicker. "Not the time for jokes."

"Hey, and who's thi- Ah!" The purple hair yells, as Kusuo grabs his shirt and pulls him off down the hall. He left me behind again, as usual.

I sigh and head back to the classroom. "Heeey! Buddy!" Nendo yells, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. He means well and all, but I really don't want to get sent to the hospital today.

"Hello, Nendo." I reply as he puts me down. "Hey, me and Nendo were just talking about Teruhashi." Kaido said. "Teruhashi? What about her?"

"She usually gets here at 8:00 every morning. But we haven't seen her yet and it's 8:01!" Kaido yelled, like it was the end of the world. "It's only one minute past, I'm pretty sure it's fine."

I don't get why a minute difference is such a big deal. She could have gotten caught up in the hall. Going off of how popular she is, anyway.

"Maybe she's sick? Or worse, dying!" Kaido yells. I'm pretty sure he's the only one talking about this, not Nendo. "She's not dying, Kaido. She's fine."

"You can't prove that!" He whines. Seriously, he always acts like such a child. "Hey, buddies. What's with all of the commotion outside?" Nendo says, looking out to the hall.

Nendo knows big words? "Hey, isn't that the Toritsuka guy?" He points out, stopping Kaido from his rant. Toritsuka is probably ranting on about a guardian spirit again.

"You know, a guardian spirit sounds dumb. But, I suppose i should humor you and find out what mine Is. Or whatever, I don't really care." Kaido says, walking out into the hall. he totally cares. I bet it's something ridiculous and small.

"It is." Kusuo says. I hadn't even noticed he was here. "Gee, thanks." No problem. "Your guardian spirit.. Oh wow, It's kind of abnormal." Toritsuka says. I know 100% and ten percent that Kaido is thinking it's some great warrior when it turns out so be some sort of baby.

"So, what is it? Not that I-"

"A chihuahua." Toritsuka interrupts, pointing at Kaido's head. I would laugh so hard right now, but that would be rude.

"A chihuahua!?" Kaido repeats, as the group of girls start ogling about the puppy guardian. It fits though. He acts all tough when he's only small and adorable.

"I'm sorry, adorable?" It was an accident. I'm going to ignore it. "Gay." No shit.

"how dare he insult me like that, this guys a fraud." Kaido grumbled. "It's alright, Kaido. I think it suits you." I say.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Huh, what's going on here, a festival?" Nendo asks, walking over. Wasn't he the first one who saw this crowd? I though he followed after us?

"He says he can see guardian spirits, but he lied!" Kaido says. "Pretty sure he wasn't lying." I mumble.

"Now, now everyone. No pushing, just stay in line." Toritsuka says, holding up his hands. "Hey, what's my protective spirit?" Nendo asks, walking to the front of the line.

Toritsuka just turns around and goes to other girls. he really ignored Nendo? Well, that's what he gets for skipping, I guess.

I'm curious about my spirit, Kusuo, what's mine?

"Why are you asking me?"

You can see spirits now thanks to him, right?

"Yes.. Fine, It's some sort of demon thing."



"I'm so happy I transferred to this school. I can tell this guardian spirit thing is going to make me really popular!" Toritsuka says. "Hey, don't you what to hear about your guardian spirit Saiki?"

"Which one?" "Which one?"

"We're twins, just call me Y/N."

"Oh, I would have just called you other guy. I'm talking to the other Saiki." Toritsuka said. Other guy? How creative...

"This guy is annoying."

"Hey, what about my guardian spirit?" Nendo asked. "Shut up! I told you to stop following me, I hate you!" Toritsuka yells, moving to hit Nendo with his bag. "Hey! That was rude. And he's not following you, he's following me and Kusuo. He's Nendo, our friend." I yell.

"Is he really?" Shut up, Kusuo.

Toritsuka stays silent for a moment. He suddenly grabs Nendo's face. "WHAT- He's not a ghost!?"

"How in the hell did you think he was a ghost?" I ask. "You really didn't know?" Kusuo asks.

"Didn't you ignore him like you couldn't see him? I thought you couldn't see him!" Toritsuka panicked. "Hey, what was that all about?" Nendo yelled with his fist clenched.

"No why- ah, it's all true!" Can he seriously not figure out the difference between a living being and a ghost? Actually, what do they even look like?


Word count: 1023

Date published: December 29, 2023

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