|Chapter 8: Study Buddy|

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Word count: 1024

Y/N Saiki's P.O.V.:

"Mom, I'm going out today." I yell, slipping on my shoes at the door. "Huh? Where are you going, sweetie? You never told me you had plans."

"I'm going to a friend's house to study." I reply, opening the door. "Oh, well have fun Hunny! Don't stay out too late and get home safely!" I waved and walked out the door. I was met with nice warm air. 

Usually, I would be in my room, chilling on my beanbag. But Kaidou asked me to study with him and I couldn't say no. Well, I tried to, but he just spammed my phone. If I blocked him, no doubt he'd just come to my house to bother me. Plus, my schedule was free today. And my grades are going down. Not bad, but I don't want to risk it.

I make it to Kaidou's house and ring the doorbell. A woman opened the door, looking in her forties. "Oh...? Who are you, young man?" The woman asked, looking down at me. She had short grey hair, glasses, and brown eyes. Her skin was a tad bit darker than Kaidou's, but then again, he was a pale guy.

"I'm Y/N Saiki. I came to study with Kaidou." I said. "You mean Shun? Study? If that's the case, come on in! I'm his mother, you can call me Mrs. Kaidou." I nod and walk inside. I slip off my shoes at the door. "Shun is upstairs, you've been here before, right? You know where it is."

"Yes, ma'am." I nod and walk up the stairs. I make my way down the hall, and open Kaidou's door. I should have knocked, because he screamed. 

"Kaidou! It's only me, gosh darn!" I groaned, covering my ears. "Don't you know how to knock!? You scared the crap out of me!" 

"You're the one who bugged me to come over! You should have expected me to show up!" I yell back, walking in and closing the door. "But it's whatever. Take out your books, let's study." I sigh and sit down at the table in his room.

"Yeah. Thanks for coming. My mom has wanted me to study lately, and I really didn't want to do it alone."

"Let me guess, you're failing your classes... So, she's pressing harder."

"I didn't even know it was possible! you've gotta help me" Kaidou wails. "Oh, be quiet. That's what I'm here for, is it not?"

"Oh, yeah, I guess it is."

"Then stop whining. What are we studying first?"

Time skip...

Shun Kaidou's P.O.V.:

Studying is hard... Though Y/N is acting like it's as easy as the ABC's. I don't blame him, he's a freaking straight A student! I don't know how he does it, school is hard. He's so smart it's admirable! Maybe it's a family gene. Saiki is really smart too, though his grades are kind of average.

I'm getting kind of hungry, though... Actually, that would be a great excuse to go to the store and get something to eat. "Hey, Y/N?" I ask, looking over to him. "Huh? What?" 

"I'm getting kind of hungry, what about you?"

"Hmm... Yeah, I guess. Why? Trying to look for an excuse to get out of studying?"  

'Wh- what? No! I'm just... Hungry." I mumbled. "Yeah, yeah. You got any snacks here?" Y/N asked, closing his math book. "No, but we can go to the stor4e to get some. I'll pay, so you don't have to worry about money." 

"Ah, thank gosh. I went out with Kusuo earlier and he drained my wallet. Him and his darn Coffee Jellies." Y/N groans. "Coffee Jelly, huh? You're a good sibling, I'd never pay for anything for my siblings."

"Wow, what a nice brother. Come on, let's go. I'm starving." Y/N got up, stuffing his books in his bag. "Right. I don't have that much money so we can't get anything big." I said, earning a laugh from Y/N. "You said you'd pay, now you're limiting me?"

"Hey, shut up! You're lucky I'm even paying for you at all." I yell. "Yes, yes. I'm sorry, Kaidou. Let's go." I get up and follow Y/N out the door. Now that I think about it, it's kind of embarrassing standing next to him. He's so much taller.

"So, how hungry are you?" I ask, walking down the stairs behing Y/N. "Hmm... Snacky."

I chuckle and slip on my shoes. "Hey, Mom! I'm going out to get some snacks with Y/N. We'll be back soon." 

"Don't be too long! You still need to finish studying!" Mom yells back. "Augh, mom..."  I groan, and push Y/N out the door. "Ah- hey. Stop pushing, be careful." Y/N yells. "Sorry, we had to get out. I can't stand the amount of yapping my mom does. It's always grades and studying."

"Sounds tough." 

"Seriously? That's it? No sympathy?" 

"Nope." Y/N says blankly, walking down the sidewalk. "Thanks... So, what's your mom like? I've never been to your house."

"Hm... she's really sweet, but she can get super-duper scary. Other than that, she's a nice woman. I'm lucky she's, my mom." Y/N smiles. It's kind of... "Ah, so heartfelt. I'd love to meet her."

"Hey, Kaido. What about your father?" 

"I don't really know." I replied. "Oh... Sorry." Y/N mumbled, and we walked the rest of the way in quiet. The store wasn't that busy. It was easy to find what we wanted. When we walked out we had a bag full of snacks. Pocky, gummies, and sugar candy. We snacked on a park bench, because some of the treats my mom would not approve of.

"So, Kaido. What do you usually do on weekends?" Y/N asked, a pocky sticking from his mouth. He held it like he was smoking weed. "Um... Usually, my mom just makes me study... But I also play cards and take my brother out to the park."

"Your brother? I didn't know you had siblings." Y/N says. Have I sparked his interest? How? Little siblings are annoying. "Yeah, A younger brother and sister. Sora and Toki."

"Nice. Tiny kids are cute, but they're so loud and annoying."

"Haha, yeah. I guess I agree with you there..."

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Word count: 1024

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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