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I prepared the lunch for my wash house friends, and added an extra one for Willy. I felt bad for not telling him, but Noodle and I warned him ,but he didn't heed our warning.

I packed everything up in a bag and headed to Scrubitt and Bleacher. I walked and felt the cold breeze roll up my back. Looking around I couldn't help but love this messed up town, but never mind that I arrived and knocked on the door and I was met with the nasty smile of Mr.Bleacher. "Welcome Ms.Sweets you know where to go," thats true I did so I walked to the connecting entrance of the rooms for the workers.

I walk in and I'm immediately tackled in a hug by noodle. "Hey Noodle, ready to feed our hungry workers?" She smiled and grabbed the food. We walked to every room and we laughed, talked about taxes, and even plumbing so now we ended up in front of a room that made me smile.

Noodle knocked on Willys door and said, "Room Service!" He opened the door and smiled when he saw Noodle, but if I wasn't mistaken I thought his smile brightened a little I walked in and put down the food on the desk.

"Told you to read the small print," I elbowed Noodle and she gave a glare as I smiled sheepishly at Willy "We did try to warn you," he rubbed his neck and sat down and said, "Hm. Well, slight problem with that," I looked down at him sadly at the facts he probably couldn't read.

And Noodle doesn't really have a filter, "You can't ready can you?" I snapped my neck to her, "Noodle just cause you think it doesn't mean you say it" She looked down a little and Willy shrugged, "I focused my studies almost exclusively on chocolate," I smiled at that.

"I see," Noodle said, then I leaned on the wall. "So how did you get everything else and stuff if you couldn't read?" He spun around and said, "For everything else, I've relied on the kindness of strangers like Poppy."

I smiled at her, "Thats really sweet, and that is a great perspective to have," and noodles scoffed at me. "Poppy really, look where acting like that got him, the staff quarters, at least you've got a bed," Noodles pointed. Willy sits on the bed. It collapsed underneath him, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well he had a bed.Desk. And wash basin slash toilet. Water comes in two temperatures. 'Cold' and 'Colder'." I joked pointing to the sink. Noodle walked closer as Willy ate. "How much do you owe them?" Willy. stopped eating and looked to us, "Ten thousand, and this food is really good by the way Poppy," that made me blush a little.

"Count yourself lucky. I owe thirty." I gave her a side hug trying to comfort her, she gave me a small smile. "What? How do you owe them money? I thought they found you down the laundry chute." I sat next to Willy and looked to Noodle.

"Oh they did. They took her in out of the goodness of their hearts and charged her for the privilege, I wanted her to live with me, but they won't let me." Willy looked appalled and snapped his head to the both of us, "You're both kidding me, right?" Noodle shook her head and said, "It's not so bad. If I keep my nose clean, I'll be out of here by the time I'm eighty-two."

Willy scoffed and said, "What a pair of monster." We grabbed the finished plate and she headed out first with a frown, but then Willy hopped on his feet and said, "Oh come on, Noodle, that's just your orphan syndrome talking." I snapped my head and looked at him weird and she reappeared ion the door and she and noodle said, "My/her what?" We looked at each other and then back at each other.

"Your Orphan Syndrome. And we're certainly not going to be eating any slops." He picks up his sample case and puts it on the table. We looked at him confused, "What are you doing?" Noodle asked

"Making chocolate of course. How do you ladies like it? Dark? White? Nutty? Totally insane." I laughed at the face he made. "I don't know. I've never had any." It's true I don't have chocolate in my recipes, because it's too expensive.

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