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Willy and I were still cuddled up on the chair and I was nodding off. When I completely dozed off I was awoken by a bright light. Blinking my eyes multiple times and saw that I was on my bed and Willy wasn't here.

It was another mischievous adventure of Wonka chocolate. After I had handed out chocolate and collected money from the patrons, I sat back and watched them dance from the effects of the delicious chocolate.

Only Wonka's makes you 

Rock around the clock-elet!

I couldn't help but dance along and laugh. Willy appeared behind me and began to spin me around and he dipped me and placing a soft kiss on my head.

Looking out the window I saw the police approaching and I ring the bell to warn Willy. Willy runs towards the back of the tram where Abacus has opened a hatch into the engine compartment. 

Willy slides through it and down into an open storm drain below. And I go quickly after him and he quickly caught me and I let out a giggle as I was threw over his shoulder as we escaped down the sewage pipe.

Later that night we were in Noodles bedroom helping Willy with his letter. Noodle writes the word "Cat" on a blackboard. Willy sits folded into a child's school chair, looking at the board, well he was squinting at it.

"Well there's literate, and illiterate! Can you tell me what this says?" She said pointing to the board. "Not a bit of it." I giggled and WIlly looked over to me and winked.

"Well that's a vowel" she pointed and I hopped up from the desk I was sitting on and pointed to next, "And those are consonants. Are you getting it?" 

He slumped his head on his hands and said, "What's that now? You're talking nonse-nence." Noodle groaned and gave me a hug, "I should call it quits!" I gave him a pat on his back and Abacus appears with a jar full of money. "But you've never sold chocolate like this!" Showing the charts of all the chocolate we've sold.

The next morning, Willy is in the town square, back where he started, selling from a little cart, but no longer to one man; a huge crowd surrounds him, buying chocolate as fast as they can."

Honestly I was so proud of him, he had a large smile on his face as he gave away his chocolate. The crowd sung about the chocolate they were enjoying.

Well there's chocolate And there's chocolate!

"Only Wonka's gets you Buying wedding frock-let's!" I laughed at that, as Colin and Barbara, were just  married, and emerged from the Cathedral. I couldn't help but smile and clap.

"Come now I insist!" I laughed and danced around, Willy spun me around and I sang, "You've never had chocolate like this!"

Have you ever had chocolate like this?

No, we've never had chocolate

No, we've never had chocolateNo, we've never had chocolate like this!

The Chief the appeared out of no where, and now was considerably larger -- barges into the square with other officers blowing whistles.

But Willy pulls a lever and the cart folds down into a laundry cart which Noodle and I pulls away. And Willy disappears into a storm drain leaving the Chief completely baffled.

After the long day, I cleaned after the customers went away. Scrubbing my counters I was finally done and I went to bed soon after.

Waken early the next morning headed to Scrubbitt and Bleacher, I couldn't wait to give Willy's surprise. Noodle drags her cart away from the laundry. As I walked over to them. Willy was hidden in a laundry bag on the back along with the other Workers.

Willy was talking about this little orange man thats been steal from him. "Yes! I set a trap and he walked right into it!" Noodle rolled here eyes, "So where is he?" 

Willy rubbed his neck, "We had a fight, you see. He won. Hit me on the head with a frying pan and jumped out the window." He had a deep frown, I rubbed his head in comfort through the bag, "Of course he did."

Noodle stops the cart in the quiet alley just out of sight of the laundry. Willy emerges from his laundry bag. "You don't believe me, do you?" We both  answered differently which caused me to elbow Noodle.

"Do any of you believe me?" Willy looked around, and one by one, the others emerge from their bags.

"But if we have to take a day off, at least I can give you another reading lesson." I rolled my eyes at her and Willy agreed, "Not reading." Noodle smiled, "Yes reading." Abacus smiled at Noodle and gave Willy a hard pat on the shoulder, "Good idea, Noodle. We'll run a few errands and meet you later."

Noodlel looks to a gloomy Willy, "It'll be fun! We're going on a field trip. To the library." I groaned I rather bake than read. We were now in the library and Noodle began to tell us about the amazing things about books.

Willy began to race through the library, glancing over other readers' shoulders at their books. Illustrations fly off the page and come to life around him.

"Down the rabbit hole with Alice to

the Mad Hatter's tea party! Across the seas with Moby Dick! Into the cellar with Cinderella - and yes, Noodle, we shall go to the ball."

"A whole world of literature, Noodle. Where should we start?" Willly asked Noodle smiled and handed him the book. "How about here?" The rest of the Wash House Workers have arrived. Abacus hands Noodle an envelope which she slides across to Willy.Puzzled, he opens it and I was shaking in excitement. 

"Commercial Leasehold Agreement."He looks at her questioningly. Noodle smiled at him, "Go on." she encouraged him and he looked over to me and I smiled at him and he read the papers.

"The following is a leasehold agreement between the management board of the Galeries Gourmet, hereinafter the landlord, and Mr William Wonka..." That's me."  Willy stares at the paper, flabbergasted.

"You know that shop? The one you've been dreaming of?" He nods, amazed. Abacus holds up a set of keys. Willly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the well anticipated shop of his dreams.

I couldn't help but giggled as I saw the look on his face. Willy opens the door, scarcely able to breathe. The shop has seen better days. Paint is peeling off the walls and the ceiling has fallen in, sending an old chandelier crashing to the floor -- but it's still somehow magical.

Willy looks around, speechless. And we all  follow follow him inside. "Now I know what you're thinking. It may need a little work..."Abacus said and they that caused Larry to laugh loudly. "If that's a joke, it's not funny.And I know not-funny."

Rolling my eyes I walked around and I looked over to piper, she  fits two ends of a cable together. The lights come on." Looks like someone left the water running and the ceiling fell through. And the ceiling above that. And the ceiling above-" I put a hand on her shoulder.

Looking at Willy and back to her, "I think he gets it." She nodded her head and looked away sheepishly. "But that means we can afford it -for a week, anyway." Abacus informed and Lottie addedAnd we'd finally be legitimate. The police would have no excuse to keep bothering us."Noodle and I look anxiously over at Willy. Hee still hasn't said a word. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"What do you think, Willy? Do you like it?"

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