Chapter 10

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"I think the codpiece is too big. You need to go smaller." Edwards smirked at me as he floated nearby, one hand holding onto a support strut. We were on the mobilization deck, deep in trooper territory on the Torchbearer. He had apparently decided that I was OK, despite being an officer, and so felt free to offer "constructive" criticism.

Kouvaras had anchored himself to the deck between my feet, floating in something like a crouch, staring up at my crotch. "Well, you certainly don't want any gaps that would allow you to rattle around in the suit, but I think this will work." He shoved the codpiece into place at my groin and smashed it closed with the heel of his hand.

I hung in the air spread-eagle, arms and legs pinioned by industrial looking equipment, wearing only a black polymer-skinned sensor net while machines measured my body, selected pieces of equipment from its stores and assembled my own suit of Multi-Environmental Combat Armor. Kouvaras assured me I'd only have to undergo this indignity once unless I started putting on weight. My legs and lower torso had already been assembled, and as I hung there more mechanical manipulators brought out modular armor components and began attaching them to my chest and back.

"You know, I'm beginning to regret questioning your zero-G training techniques."

"It's too late now," Kouvaras replied grimly. "You seemed to think our techniques couldn't stop a single unarmed girl so now you need to find out why we train the way we do."

"I told you, I wasn't thinking about combat armor when I asked that."

The corner of Kouvaras' mouth twitched as he continued inspecting my armor's seals. "What? You being an officer, I thought they paid you to think."

"Well, you know what they say," I laughed nervously as machines snapped more armored pieces into place leaving only my neck and head uncovered. "Behind every good officer is an NCO making him look good."

"So you can be taught."

Edwards moved over to a control panel and pressed buttons. "And soon you'll learn why we don't bounce around a lot in these suits."

"Bouncing around in these things is a good way to get yourself hurt or hurt someone else," Kouvaras added. "If you're not careful, you could even bounce your way right through the hull which isn't good for anyone."

I bit my tongue, hoping they'd soon forget this whole bouncing thing. I had adjusted to the call sign "Zoomer" as long as no one knew how I'd earned it. I didn't want to be known throughout the fleet as "Bouncer."

"OK." Having finished checking the seals, Kouvaras slapped my armor. "Let's button him up and do a quick systems check."

Edwards punched a button and the helmet attached to the back of my collar clamped down over my face. My ears popped as it equalized the air pressure. The heads-up display lit up in cool green and amber lights and a faint current of cool recycled airb rushed my face. In some ways, it was like being back in a fighter's cockpit.

"Com check. Can you hear me?" Edwards' voice came over the speakers in the helmet.

"I hear you."

"Stand by while we run a quick check." Edwards continued poking at the control panel then turned to Kouvaras. "Life support systems are good, control systems are good and the myocells are all powered."

"Are the safety governors on?" Kouvaras asked.

Edwards hurriedly tapped at the panel without looking at it. "Yes."

"Then activate the setae and let's turn him loose."

"Gecko powers activated," Edwards chuckled.

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