Chapter 32

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Smith slipped away with his ships into the Beta system, but the Cacks scouts must have been on their toes for not long after this, the Cacks began pulling ships from the near gate to cover the far gate where we were going to try and sneak around them. I reminded myself that we had planned for this as I ordered my ships to Beta system at full speed, but I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that they had caught on so soon. This could easily end up being a slugfest with two blocked gates instead of one, at which point we would be no better off than we had been before.

I sent a manned scout into Delta system to find out how things were going and he returned reporting that Smith was experiencing moderate resistance, but that it looked like the Cacks were moving all their ships to the back gate. At least something is going right, I thought, as I ordered my ships back into the Alpha system.

The Phoenix leading, my fleet had just transited into the Alpha system when I discovered the unseen flaw in my plan. When we had left, The Swords, apparently feeling they had gathered sufficient numbers of ships, had transited behind us and were racing across the system towards us.

I couldn't see how we could take the gate to Gamma while defending ourselves from The Swords's attack behind us. While my mind whirled, trying to calculate odds and likely outcomes, I just went with my gut and ordered my battle cruisers, to go back and support Smith. Taking only my fastest ships, we raced for the gate hoping that at least a feint would pull some of the pressure off of Smith as he tried to transit the back gate.

We made it to the transit station just ahead of The Swords. They pulled up short and got in attack formation, outnumbering us nearly ten to one. Behind us, the Cacks defending the gate saw us appear to take the near gate while Smith broke through the far gate to Delta, turned and ran away. I would have loved to have chased after them, but The Swords would have fallen on us and cut us to pieces as we tried to make the transit.

Seeing we were in trouble, Smith sent his FACs to assist us. When they were within range, I sent a message by com laser, telling them to wait out of site behind the transit station until I ordered the attack, then to come through like a sudden wave of reinforcements.

The Swords, despite their advantage, took some time to work up the courage to attack us. But the moment they began their advance, we launched our attack. Our ships leaped forward while Smith's FACs poured through the gate behind us. We didn't even get within weapon's range before The Swords turned and ran. We stopped and let them get a good distance away before turning back and plunging through the transit station.

* * *

For six days we traveled in wide-open space through Cack systems left sparsely populated from The Swords' ravaging attacks. It was almost like a pleasure cruise after the hellish week of constant fighting. On the seventh day a small group of Cack ships appeared and requested that we talk. We agreed.

A Cack with Ovebearing's ideographs appeared on the display. "Being the under-director of the district of The Sons of the Archer, I am called Servant of Angels.

"We are the united Solarian fleets," Smith said. "Why are you here?"

"I desiring harmonious agreement."

"And what would be the terms of this agreement?" Smith asked.

"You harm not us. We harm not you."

"We are still going to need to re-supply."

"Be taking only the most needful. Harm not our people or that which is unnecessary."

"Let me speak to my commanders." Smith killed the connection. "What do you think?" he asked his fleet commanders.

"I've been enjoying the peace and quiet," Abrams said. "I'd rather not start any fighting if we can avoid it."

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