Chapter 46

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"I don't get it." Debbie Fowler shook her head and waved an arm in an irritated slash at the conference display. "Were they here or not? Were we lied to or did something happen to the entire fleet?"

"Every spaced-based asset has been stripped to the bones," Mike Williams said. "It could be the result of the colonial fleet desperately searching for materials or it could just as easily be the aliens seeking to deny us access to the same."

Commander Harlow transmitted a series of images taken from inside several space stations in orbit around the main habitable planet. "Some of these weapons and power system look as if they've been altered. The alterations are consistent with someone attempting to adapt them to Solarian power and weapon systems. Whatever equipment that might have been installed has since been removed, but it does look as if our fleet had considered attempting to dig in and harden their position here."

I tabbed through the various scouting reports quite at a loss to explain what had happened. "So were they destroyed, captured, or did they find a way to escape?" It was obviously a question with no answer. "Whichever it was, we can't stay here. I suggest we head for La Roca and try to join Commander Smith's crew.

Lacking any other suggestions, the other commanders agreed.

"Brian, is there anything left on these stations we can use?"

"Not a thing. Someone tore out of here in a hurry and took everything, including the kitchen sink."

"Chris widen your searches at least two systems out. Question any ships you run across. Perhaps we'll get lucky and meet up with colonial survivors along the way."

"Yes, sir."

"Everyone else, talk to your wing commanders. I want the fleet moving out of here within the hour."

We tightened our formations and sped through the remaining systems as quickly as we could. The alien forces had largely pulled back and we all held our collective breath as we slipped unchallenged from station to station. We occasionally passed systems with wrecked ships or damaged stations that looked recent. Chris caught a few alien ships claiming to be merchants hoping to sell us supplies. They might have been spies, but under questioning, confirmed that a group of Solarian ships had passed through these systems a few days ago in the direction of La Roca.

* * *

I was enjoying a rare moment of peace in my quarters listening to soothing music when the alert status jumped to FAS Delta: Danger Imminent. I flash messaged Mia. "What's happening?"

"A squad of alien ships is approaching; looks like an attack."

"How big is it."

"Not very. Commander Knight is on it."

"Let me know if they capture any prisoners." I hurried to C&C and booted up my data panels.

The approaching squad was dealt with quickly but it was hours before the intelligence started coming in.

"I think we've found our missing colonials," Chris said. "They appear to be trapped in a system designated E58059C. Looks like they've got every alien battle cruiser in the Golden Worlds surrounding them."

"Send me the intel and set up a meeting of the fleet commanders in twenty minutes." I started pouring over the data and had formulated a loose plan by the time the conference started. "Chris, do you think the locals know we're here?"

"They're not organized at all. It's just a collection of a lot of little local defense forces. They don't seem to have any designated scout ships. The ones we've run into so far were just stragglers late in joining the fight."

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