Chapter 39

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I leaned back in my chair chuckling while most of my commanders stewed in the remains of their indignation. After a brief moment, the audio and visual signal came on with only the lead delegate present.

"I apologize for our negotiator's remarks." The delegate said with a slight tremble. "I assure you it was not our intention to threaten you, but to welcome you to our colonies. If you will come to Red Rock, we will supply your ships with all the resources they need. In the meantime, I have ordered the system's director to extend full hospitality to your ships and crew.

* * *

The authorities from Red Rock made good on their promise and our crews were welcomed at the spaceport like long lost friends. They even released some supplies and sent technical experts to help repair our ships. When they answered our questions about the surrounding systems with updated navigational databases and system-by-system security reports, the commanders decided to invite them to participate in a planning session.

The commanders linked into v-space chatting amiably on the command channel. Abrams leaned back in his chair at the virtual conference table, looking relaxed. He even chuckled at something Maxwell said when he leaned over and whispered in Abram's ear. Solomon looked at ease and well rested as did the other commanders waiting for the Red Rock delegation to link in.

Chris's avatar slid into a chair next to me. "Think we'll make it back in time for the ZGB championships?"

"Is the regular season over?" I honestly had no idea the championships had even started. On the few occasions we had seeded our EPR transceivers from the gate communication network, I'd been too busy with fleet headaches to worry about local events back home. With a twinge of guilt, I suddenly remembered my promise to keep in touch with Dr. Powers, then pushed the thought aside.

"Because Mars made the finals again this year, a bunch of Earth teams are complaining the Martian team had an unfair advantage from Mar's reduced gravity," Chris continued. "Of course it's ridiculous. Everyone knows it's actually a hindrance in training for zero-G ball, including them, but those whiners will try—"

A chime sounded and the com officer announced to the room, "The delegation from Red Rock is ready to join you."

I gave Chris an apologetic look. "Link them in."

The delegation's avatars appeared in the virtual conference space and a sigh of disappointment hissed across the private command channel as everyone saw Phineas among the delegation.

I began the meeting. "Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen. The fleet commanders have been discussing how best to proceed, whether we should continue by way of the transit system or obtain jump ships to carry the fleet. Either way, your knowledge and assistance would be most helpful. What would you advise?"

Before anyone else could speak, Phineas rose. Placing both hands to his heart, he smiled apologetically to the rest of the conference. "Let me begin by first offering my deepest personal apology for our little misunderstanding. I assure you I had no intention of threatening you. Instead, I merely sought to assure you that though we had a good relationship with our alien neighbors we would of course, if forced to choose, prefer to side with you our fellow humans over From the Stars.

Here he paused and looked at us as if expecting some sort of reassurance. I glanced at my fellow commanders sitting in stony faced silence before I replied. "And do you have some advice that might help us?"

Lifting his hands, Phineas broke into an unexpected prayer. "Great Maker who guides His children, guide my words right now. Speak your wisdom to them through me so that in helping them I might be blessed as well and lead them away from disaster lest I be blamed." He paused, lowering his hands and smiled down on us as if expecting some sort of reaction on our part.

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