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Rolling over onto her side, a strange feeling enveloped the young, ashy pink haired girl, fading in and out of a sleepy state

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Rolling over onto her side, a strange feeling enveloped the young, ashy pink haired girl, fading in and out of a sleepy state. For the next few minutes, that same uneasy feeling lingered, causing her to eventually crack open her eyes and groggily stare right in front of her.

The heavy breaths of her golden retriever, Fuwa, wrapped around her face, the soft pants lulling her back to sleep. As soon as the overgrown puppy saw her eyes open, he licked her face lovingly, making her groan tiredly.

"Did Shotaro not feed you?" she mumbled, softly patting the dog on the head, her finger tracing right down the centre of his head, making the dog cock his head in glee. "Let me get my socks on, and I'll go feed you, I need breakfast anyways."

Reaching on her bedside table, Kochiyo let out a small chuckle: 6.32am. If there was one thing that Kochiyo was pleased with about herself, it was her impeccable body clock. She always woke up between 6.00 and 6.35, even on weekends, and with the help of her dog, it kept her on the ball. She unwrapped the folded socks, placing them on her feet, then reaching for her phone and switching it on. Unlike her brother, who constantly complained about being blinded by his phone early in the morning, she would always turn her phone brightness down before she went to bed - if her phone was on max brightness in the lead up to going to sleep it tended to give her migranes that'd follow through to the next day: that was never pleasant.

Standing up, Kochiyo walked outside of her room, looking at all the closed doors. Both her parents weren't up, neither was Shotaro, but he was never up at this time, so she wasn't that surprised. It was quite common that she was the first one awake. She was usually the last one asleep, too. It was quite the pattern, but she didn't mind because of how much her time it gave her. Creeping down the stairs, she quietly opened the living room door, the only way into the kitchen. As soon as she walked in, she saw a familiar figure on the couch, her mum fast asleep. Even in sleep, she was still not at peace, her eyebrows furrowed and face crumpled with concern.

"I wish you two would get along." Kochiyo muttered, grabbing a blanket and placing it lightly over her mum, tucking her in.

Switching on a small lamp in the corner of the room to let some light in, Kochiyo opened the door to let Fuwa in, smiling at his waggling tail and bleeding enthusiasm: at least someone was happy in the house.

"Let's go get you some food, Fufu." Kochiyo reached down and stroked the golden retrievers fur, opening the kitchen door and letting him in. "I'll have to wake Taro up soon, God help me." She sighed, pouring the food into the bowl and then filling up the water bowl.

Once she made sure that Fuwa was fully fed, she opened the breakfast cupboard, making the toughest decision of the day: toast or cereal. Usually, it would fall to cereal on a school day simply because it was easier to make, and it gave her a bit of time to just chill out and scroll on her phone before getting ready. However, today, she had to do a bunch of small errands in not much time: so toast it was. Pulling four slices from the packet, she placed them each in the individual pockets of the toaster, huffing as she prepared to go and wake everyone up: other than her mum, of course.

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