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icerina has added to her story

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icerina has added to her story...

icerina has added to her story

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"There's no way I failed that Chem test. Mr Wong is just out to get me after I accidentally burnt one of the lab coats during the last practical." huffed a disgruntled Rinae, her face a cloud of thunder as she slammed the paper down on the table.

"It's not that bad, Rinae." comforted Kochiyo, a smile on her face while she patted her friend on the shoulder.

"Did you even revise for it?" laughed Jiyeon, who had failed her Chemistry exam just as miserably but held no care for it in the slightest.

"She sent a message to the group chat telling us she was too cool to revise and had it in the bag, remember?" Xiulan added, judgementally staring at the sulking blonde. "Turns out it does hurt to not revise."

"You're all so mean. Why do I put up with this?" she sulked, folding her arms and turning away. "Only Kochi is nice to me."

"Aww, bless your soul," Jiyeon stood up, walking over to Rinae and wrapping her arms around her torso in a tight hug before mockingly exclaiming. "My poor baby, Rinnie. Does no one appreciate how amazing you are, even if you think you're too cool for school. MY BABYY." Stroking her hair aggressively, Jiyeon was glad to see Rinae's cheeks burn red before shaking her off and mumbling under her breath.

"I have to go to sign in sessions now anyways, same as you, Jiyeon." She glared at the black haired girl, who was giggling all the way back to her seat. She shrugged as she sat down. "I'm in loads of them. It doesn't make a difference to me. I just have fewer frees and no lunch on a Wednesday."

Jiyeon, the eldest in the group, was a year older than all of the girls and enrolled in the college sector of their school, Elmwood Academy. Taking Chemistry, English Literature, and P.E Theory, she was the least studious of the group: eager to leave college and take up full-time ballet. Her parents, despite their love of her ballet dream, forced her to choose between ballet and school; if she didn't choose school, then ballet would no longer be paid for by them, and she had to take Chemistry in order to open up career paths (in the case that ballet falls through). Mentally, Jiyeon was nowhere near as mature as most of the girls, quite reckless and immature (if you couldn't tell by her treatment of Rinae).

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