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"What did Rinae want?" Sohee furrowed his brows, watching closely as Sungchan slid his phone away

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"What did Rinae want?" Sohee furrowed his brows, watching closely as Sungchan slid his phone away. "Nothing, she was just asking about something from Ping's class."

Humming, unsure if Sungchan was telling the truth, he simply turned away, listening to the others' conversation. It was never any use trying to get Sungchan to tell you something he didn't want you to know. He was a closed book with about 12 padlocks that the keys were probably lost. Letting out a small sigh, he glanced back at the messages, then to Shotaro.

He and Shotaro had been best friends since Shotaro had moved to Korea, having met due to Sungchan being assigned as Shotaro's 'Guide', and ever since, the two grew to be almost inseperable:

The friendship was unexpected, Shotaro was a bright and beaming young boy when he first came to Korea, and Sungchan was his usual calm self, hardly ever smiling and mostly being alone, and to see the two come together was wildly random: and even to this day they're still a baffling pairing.

However, just because Shotaro was his best friend, it doesn't mean that he had any form of relationship with his little sister. Kochiyo and Sungchan were merely acquaintances, having never really spoken to each other and only having small exchanges in their kitchen when Sungchan stayed over at their house. Indeed, they were in the same school year, and his best friend was her brother, meaning he was frequently at her house, but he never really felt it was necessary to befriend her. It wasn't just that, Shotaro had an unwritten rule with Sungchan that he steered clear of Kochiyo. Whilst it wasn't obvious, Shotaro's main priority was to protect Kochiyo. She had a lot on her plate all the time, something that Sungchan was well aware of due to his closeness with the family.

Rinae's request really baffled him and put him in quite a difficult position. On one hand, Wonbin had expressed his interest in Shotaro's sister previously and could land him a favour from the younger boy. But, on the other hand, it would be distasteful for him to go back on a favour that was quite rightfully earned by Rinae: she had connections that greatly scared him.

"Sungchan, you okay?" Feeling an elbow nudge him, Sungchan snapped out of his distant world of self reflection before nodding.

"Yeah, fine." he assured, flashing a brief smile to the group.

It wasn't unusual for him to go into these deep bouts of thought, zoning out quite often. Most times, he was just left to his own devices to gradually draw himself out of it, as it usually meant he wasn't going to make any snarky comments, but when he was with his friend group, they'd always snap him out of it, wanting him to be part of their conversations. He didn't mind that, not at all, in fact he recognised the fact that he got lost in thought a lot: a habit he has had since he was very young.

"We were just talking about how none of us have dates for the winter formal in 2 months."

"It's two months away, though?" He retorted, furrowing his brows. "You've got plenty of time."

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