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Shotaro had noticed something was up with Kochiyo

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Shotaro had noticed something was up with Kochiyo. He didn't quite know what it was, but he could just feel it in the air that something was different: not necessarily bad, but different.

Despite the previous clearing that they were not twins, the two's closeness gave them a bond likening to twin telepathy, and he knew something had changed. Secrets weren't a new thing in the two's relationship: she was entitled to have her privacy, as was he, but it was sort of an unspoken rule that they told each other everything. It did make Shotaro feel that bittersweet sensation of realising that they were simply getting older, so they didn't really need to be in on every single little secret or going on that they had.

Maybe it was nothing. It could have been something as small as getting a compliment in one of her ballet classes, but it still made him feel somewhat distant? God, he was crazy.

"Koko," he knocked on her bedroom door, a small smile on his face as he heard her hum in reply. "You good?"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" she tilted her head, being currently laid down flat on her stomach. Her hair was messily up in a bun, clearly having fallen out due to her not long returning from her ballet lesson, but she looked, well, she looked fine, and for some reason that just really bugged her brother - why did she have to just be fine, not have anything about her to indicate that there was something happening? Of course, he didn't have the balls to ask her straight up if something was wrong; he wasn't the type to enjoy confrontation and to present the idea that he felt like something was off would easily offend her, he wasn't about to upset her for no reason.

"Oh no, I was just making sure you were okay, Sungchan's coming over soon, so I thought I'd check if you needed anything before I lock myself and him in my room."

"I wonder why you always need to lock yourselves in the room." Kochiyo playfully trailed off, a mischievous grin rising on her lips as she looked at the deadpan stare of her brother. "I digress, sorry, Taro."

"You- wow." he sighed, folding his arms, before looking to the boxes behind her. "You're dying your hair? I thought you liked the pink?"

"Well, it's all wishy washy now," She rolled onto her back, her head lifting to look at the boxes sat on her bedside table. "I'm just talking to some people, then I'm gonna lock myself in the bathroom and get it done. Don't tell anyone!! You're the only person who knows." She trailed off before yawning.

Making a zip motion with his hand across his lips, Shotaro laughed before giving a small wave to his sister and promptly leaving her to her own devices ( probably because he remembered the pile of clothes sitting on his bed that were supposed to have been put away last night.) It wouldn't be long until Sungchan came over, and that meant that Kochiyo would probably be locked up in her room for the rest of the night catching up with her homework or just chilling out - but by the looks of it she'd be spending a lot of time sorting her hair out. One common thing that Shotaro noticed was that she always picked the worst time to do things with her hair, it was a Wednesday night and their parents wouldn't let her stay off because her hair went a little wrong: though he admitted she had balls. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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