Chapter 16

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Hey lovelies I am back to the writing again after Christmas. And I nearly forget to say. Love from shizun has now hit 3.08k views. This the fastest I have ever gotten views for my story *cries in happiness* .Even my first story hasn't gotten this many views. And the views didn't come this fast for the first story . Thank you to everyone who have supported this story till now. Hope you enjoys this chapter!

Luo bingge agreed to the dream demon to practice under him. But he told him that he won't call him shizun as he only consider one person as his shizun.

The dream demon was annoyed but agreed to it. The dream demon knew that he was a half demon. But he still wants to find out why he was able to see his future in his memory. How can that be possible.... unless.... this person is reincarnated to his past!? . He finally found out what was the speciality in him other that him being a half demon.  But he was not fully sure so he decided to maybe ask.

As they met again, since luo bingge's practicing time was at night.

The dream demon decided to be straight forward and said "Luo binghe."

Luo bingge looked at him and said "What is it?"

"When I first met you I had found something special inside you and found out that you were a half demon..."

"Yes... Why are you talking about this now" Luo bingge asked sensing something bad.

"But how come that's not the only speciality in you"

"Just Speak!" Luo bingge said.

"When I was looking through your memories I found it really strange. Because I saw your future in your memories and I also saw the time lapse of now in two different versions. And the first one I saw doesn't have much of a difference from the second one as most of the things going on it is the same as the second one.. But... Not exactly the same...i have wondered why is that. But now I have come to a conclusion.... I assume the first as your previous life and the second as your life now..." The dream demon said as he waited for an answer.

Luo bingge looked shocked then he looked at him in the eye "Well you are right... But if you dare say or talk about this to someone." He gave a deathly glare.

"So I was correct. And I assume the 'someone' you are referring to is probably peak lord shen ." The dream demon said.

Luo bingge was silent .

"But I am still confused at one thing.... " The dream demon said as he brushed his beard with his hand.

"Speak." Luo bingge said.

"I bet you probably have taken lessons from me in your previous life then why take them again" The dream demon said.

"It's fun old man" Luo bingge said folding his hands and smirking.

The dream demon couldn't guess the exact answer to it so he just assumed that it indeed is the answer.

( Author kaiu : What's with the old man today, he is assuming a lot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

A note from Author kaiu.
So the answer to why he again wants to practice under the dream demon is simply because.... why not see this old man again and practice under him.And most likely see him get annoyed.

Another note from Author kaiu.
Shen yuan was in Shen jiu's body so when the dream demon looked at Shen yuan's memories, Instead of shen yuan's memories Shen jiu's memory were shown as Shen yuan was not a character of proud immortal demon way but Shen jiu is. But Luo binghe is a character of proud immortal demon way. So his real memories will be shown.

Time skip to after luo bingge went down the mountains.

Ming fan looked at Shen jiu's expression and thought about the brat luo binghe. 'After he went down the mountains shizun have gotten really picky with the food.'

"Shizun do you want anything to eat" Ming fan asked.

"No need I don't have an appetite" Shen jiu asked .

Ming fan didn't pester him anymore and said "If shizun needs anything ,you just need to call this disciple's name and I will immediately arrive"

Shen jiu didn't care.

After saying that Ming fan left. 'Tch, it's all that brat's fault if hadn't sticked to shizun's side ,then shizun would have been eating good food now and not be worrying about him. hmph!'

After some time shen jiu heard footsteps .He didn't even look at the person and said "Didn't I tell you that I don't have an appetite and I didn't even call you"

But then he was surprised by the voice.

"This disciple came running back  from far away to see shizun. Is shizun going to reject me without even looking at me once." The voice sounded like the person was hurt by Shen jiu's words.

"Luo binghe!" Shen jiu immediately turned back.

He saw a seventeen year old young man that stood like a pure jade, wearing white robes, smiling at him.

He went towads him. Shen jiu smiled "You have come back really fast this time"

Luo bingge motioned to sit down. They both sat down and luo bingge poured a cup of tea for himself and Shen jiu. "It wasn't some troublesome calamity. Also, I missed shizun so much. So I immediately rushed back here with my horse without stopping to even rest."

Shen jiu chuckled.

"Did shizun miss this disciple as well after he went down the mountain?"

'Why do he keep flriting with me. Well it's not the first time' Shen jiu thought.  "Yes this shizun missed the disciple too" .Luo bingge was touched by that.

Shen jiu took the tea and drank a mouthful. "The immortal alliance conference is coming soon".

Luo bingge paused at that. He looked back at the Shen jiu that was smiling at him .He wished that he wouldn't push him into the abyss this time. He had high hopes for him.

Returning back to his senses he asked "Do you need this disciple to pass you a copy of the list of Qing Jing peak disciples that is attending the immortal alliance conference"

"No need. It is better to report to the sect leader from now on"

Luo bingge nodded.

They continued the chat for a long time.

Yea so that's it for today. Finally after a long time I have made a long chapter. And the main plot, Immortal alliance conference is on next chapter. But it's not the  end yet .There is still a lot of chapter to go on .No spoilers !

Bye 👋

Word count :1122 words.

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