Hunters with cell phones (mother taylor)

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A/N :No warnings just Taylor being a protective mom y/n is a newborn and this is Taylor leaving the hospital with her. I know this isn't the best but hopefully you enjoy 🩵pls no ghost readers love you lots
XOXO -Ivy 🫶🏻
As Taylor carefully gathered her belongings in the hospital room, the soft glow of the afternoon sun cast a warm embrace over her family. Each item, from the cozy baby blankets to the tiny onesies, held a story of the first precious moments with Y/N. The room, once a haven of privacy, now felt like a bridge between the sacred intimacy of birth and the impending whirlwind of fame.

Navigating the bustling hospital corridor, Taylor's gaze flitted between the gentle features of Y/N and the supportive faces of her family. A nurse, recognizing the vulnerability in Taylor's eyes, approached with a compassionate smile. She softly mentioned the presence of paparazzi outside, prompting a subtle furrow on Taylor's brow. The protective instincts that defined her as a mother surged, and she took a moment to gather herself, a silent exchange of understanding passing between her and the family.

As they approached the exit, the low hum in the hospital transformed into a crescendo of external noise. The paparazzi, like vultures hungry for a scoop, awaited their arrival. Taylor's security team, a stalwart presence surrounding the family, seamlessly formed a protective shield. The air crackled with camera clicks and shouted questions, but Taylor, cradling Y/N in her arms, maintained a steady pace, her gaze fixed on the awaiting car.

The security detail skillfully guided the family through the paparazzi swarm, ensuring a safe passage to the vehicle. Taylor's parents and brother, alongside the security personnel, created an unyielding barrier, shielding Y/N from the intrusive lenses. The car, a refuge from the chaos, stood as a symbol of safety in the storm of fame.

With the car door closing with a definitive thud, the relentless noise outside was muffled, and Taylor, surrounded by the cocoon of her family and security team, breathed a sigh of relief. The journey home became an odyssey into the realm of motherhood, where Taylor was resolute in her commitment to navigating the delicate balance between her private world and the unyielding gaze of the public eye. As they pulled away from the hospital, the city's hum transformed into a distant melody, a backdrop to the narrative of a mother determined to protect and cherish her newborn daughter, Y/N, amidst the clamor of fame.

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