I used to know my spot was next to you 💜 (gxg) wifey tay

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Heeeey lovely lovely people, I'm back again did u miss me. I'm in a good mood at the moment since I'm staying in my families holiday house at the moment for a family reunion. Even though usually it's a total train wreck with something bad happening so far so good although I think I just jinxed myself. Oh well. Although the best news is that I'm adopting another cat next weekend and I'm soooo excited. Also note that if I release another chapter this week it will be the chapter I usually post on the weekend as I'm traveling next weekend and will be unable to do it. I love you guys lots
XOXO- Ivy 🫶🏼

Y/n had been Taylor's wife for six years now, and their relationship had always been strong. However, over the past few months, Taylor had started to become distant with y/n, often ignoring her and shutting her out. The breaking point came when they went out to dinner with their friends.

Y/n sat at the dinner table, eyes scanning the room nervously as she searched for a familiar face among the crowded restaurant. She was used to Taylor's busy schedule and the constant presence of their friends, but tonight felt different. Taylor had barely acknowledged her all evening, making y/n feel like a stranger in her own marriage.

As the night wore on, y/n's discomfort grew. She watched as Taylor laughed and joked with their friends, completely ignoring her presence. It wasn't until they were back home that y/n realized just how serious Taylor's distance had become.

Taylor locked herself away in her music room, leaving y/n standing alone in the hallway, unsure of what to do. She could hear the faint strains of a guitar as Taylor poured her heart out in song, but the words were lost to y/n as she felt tears threatening to spill over.

As y/n lay in bed, feeling a deep sense of hurt and betrayal, she knew she couldn't go on like this any longer.The next morning, y/n woke to an empty house. Taylor was already gone, leaving no note or explanation behind. It was then that y/n made the agonizing decision to pack her bags and leave, seeking refuge at her mother's house.

When Taylor returned home that night and realized y/n was gone, she was overcome with regret and guilt. She tried calling y/n multiple times, but y/n didn't answer. Determined to make things right, Taylor made a spontaneous decision to fly to England, where y/n's mother lived, in search of her beloved wife.

Days passed without a word from Taylor, and y/n found herself drowning in a sea of doubt and hurt. She couldn't understand why Taylor had pushed her away, leaving her feeling abandoned and alone.

But just when y/n thought she couldn't bear the heartache any longer, there was a knock at the door. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of who could be calling at such a late hour. When she finally opened the door, she found Taylor standing there, drenched from the rain and looking utterly lost.

Despite feeling hurt and betrayed, y/n couldn't bear to see Taylor in such a state. She invited Taylor in, offering her a towel and a change of clothes. As they sat on the sofa, Taylor poured her heart out, apologizing for her behavior and explaining that she had been struggling with insecurities and fears.

"I'm so sorry, y/n. I never meant to hurt you. I was drowning in my own thoughts and fears, and I didn't know how to cope with them. I pushed you away because I was afraid of losing you," Taylor confessed, her voice full of remorse.

Y/n listened carefully, her heart aching at Taylor's words. She understood the struggles of mental health all too well, and she knew that Taylor needed her support now more than ever. but she also knew that she couldn't continue to be treated this way.
After a moment of silence, y/n spoke, her tone firm but compassionate.

"Taylor, I can't keep going through this cycle of push and pull," y/n said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "I need to know that you're truly committed to making things right, that you won't let your fears drive us apart. I forgive you, Taylor. But I need you to understand that empty promises won't fix this. You have to show me that you're willing to change and work on our relationship. I can't keep going through this pain," y/n said, her voice steady.

Taylor nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "I promise, y/n. I will do whatever it takes to show you how much you mean to me, to prove that I'm not going to let you go." With tears in her eyes, she promised to seek help and to prioritize their relationship above all else.

And as the rain continued to pour outside, y/n felt a glimmer of hope begin to bloom in her heart.She knew that rebuilding their relationship wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to give it a chance, to believe in the power of love to overcome even the deepest of wounds.It was a long road ahead, but they knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any obstacle.

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