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Blair Richard always found her self competing  with her cousin Jackie .
Jackie is blair's older cousin  by some months,and since they were born, its been  a never ending rivalry.
Of Course  they never showed the jealousy  but their was always some cold shoulder between each other.
Blair never really  knew her mom because,her dad was kind of reckless back in his dayband had a few scuffles at a point. He wakes up in a los vegas after a ruff night,getting a nock on his door. Opening  it seeing a  newborn baby  on a push chair,with a note attached to the handle.
It read "you put it in me i carried it you raise it". At first richard was confused about the whole  situation,he obviously  didnt believe  that the baby was his,after he took a blood test all the dots connected.
Blair was his daughter.
He really  did try his best to raise the baby but when he  reached a time where work became more of a priority and less of going to clubs and diper changing.
He started dropping  her off at his older sisters  House  with her two kids lucy and jackie. Richards  older sister was a successful  fashion designer  who created  one of the most popular  looks for brands.
She would often stay at their house for school days and her dad  would pick her up at times for visits.
Blair Richard. How can I explain blair richard, well unlike her cousin jackie, she was more of bend the rules a little bit. Anything that made her the center of attention she hated it.
If meeting her at first she seemed quiet , most people have stated she had a snobby attitude when answering, but truly she just had no interest in talking to them. And didn't really know how to respond.
In her and Jackie , she was always the rude and crying tantrum one, while Jackie could be described as the more quiet, polite one.
And again that was just not the case.
She attended the same school as her two cousins. Before Lucy graduated.
Her and Jackie had their own separate friend group. That weren't exactly  friendly to each other. But if they did see each other a simple hi  will do.
Their was  time when Jackie won the New York's prize juniors Olympic track  race.
Everyone one was so proud of her, heck she got a whole freaking  party at Central Park, just for her.
So by next week isa wanted to start a sport to, something better than Jackie's,something more watchable,more entertaining.
She then went to see Disney on ice with her cousins yhat summer , and she just fell in love the way the characters moved on the ice and how they swayed.
The next day, she had already started training.
Richard loved watching blair skate, she just looked breathtaking how she did.
Of course when Jackie realized that everyone was giving Blair attention it was time to steal the show.
And that's how the never ending rivalry between Jackie Howard and Blair Richard.

Coming back to present time.
Blair was getting ready to go for so some dinner charity Jackie had planned.
When her dad came through the door, breaking the horrible news to her.
Blair was quite close to her older cousin Lucy, Lucy was just a likable soul, anyone that met her they would  instantly click.
That's the thing about the Howard's they're just lovable.

That's the thing about the Howard's they're just lovable

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