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✩𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫'𝐬  𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐭✩

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✩𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫'𝐬  𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐭✩

✩𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫'𝐬  𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐭✩

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"Am I gonna have to see Alex and Jackie all over each other at the bonfire this weekend" Olivia says to Erin and I, sitting in the cafeteria. Watching them from the window.
"Imagine just seeing them once I have to live with the both of them" I sigh
"Honestly, they've been sickening since. Thanksgiving" Erin adds
I nod in agreement
"Hey, did you guys wanna get ready at my place on Saturday?we could ride together" Erin asks us
"Sure" I say
"You aren't riding with Cole. Aren't you guys not a thing again " Olivia asks
"I'll see him there. Besides I kind of want you to do my hair with that wand thing" she says
"Wait you would look so good with that" I say
"Oh yeah" Olivia agrees
Ever since Jackie and Alex started doing their lovey doves shit, I've been smothered with Alex this Alex that. Like girl you're whole life can't revolve around Fucking Alex. But who am I to judge I've never been in a relationship with someone so I would never know how It actually felt.
They both later come in after the bell rings. It looked like wanted to join the conversation, but was basically kicked by the two of them and there mouth hugging.
"Erin.wait up" he says as we stood up to leave.
"there you are" she says and he puts hand around her and we walk off.
~later that day~
I met up with Skylar,Grace, and Jackie at the library.
"So, tell me about this bonfire thing, it's kind of a big deal here" Jackie asks
I nod in agreement, because i didn't get the hype not one bit
"Try a huge deal.your going with Alex, right" Grace says
"Do you think you guys are gonna......you know"
Skylar and I start to laugh.
"What. No.no why would you think that"
"Tons of people hook up at the bon fire" she says
"Like everyone" Skylar adds
"Eww, no. I think I might ditch it" I say
"No,you must come" Grace says taking both my hands
"Well, not us. We're not there yet. We're like not even close to it "
Three of Us look at each other.
I scoff going back to my book.
"Yeah right" I say
"Are you sure about that" Grace says
"You guys do feel pretty close" Skylar says
"Yeah and if that's how you are in public" I start
"In private,okay" Grace finishes laughing
"Alex has got to chill on the PDA" she sighs
"Are you not in to it?because if you're not" Skylar says
"No.no,it's...it just feels a little extra. Right in public" Jackie says
We agree
"Because he wasn't like this with Paige either" Grace says then her and Skylar start gossiping about something
"Wait what" Jackie says
"Alex and Paige used to date" I say
"I'm pretty sure she was Alex's first" Grace says and my eyes opened wide
"Woah, shit just juicy" I lean back sipping on my drink
"I don't know why he didn't tell me."
"Probably because off Cole"
"What about Cole" Jackie says
Grace then tells us about Alex and Cole, fighting over Paige. I couldn't even keep with everything.

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