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I finished getting ready just tying my shoe laces

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I finished getting ready just tying my shoe laces. I decided on

I tied my hair up with a hair claw and brought out the front strands

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I tied my hair up with a hair claw and brought out the front strands.
"Okay, this actually not bad" I say admiring my outfit of choice.
I quickly get down. Then dropping my bag on the racker I usually keep there when I come down
for breakfast.
"Good mor-" I start. But then Parker shoves past me.
It looked like Katherine was helping Jackie clean up something.
"I'm so sorry" she says
"It's okay" Jackie answered
Everyone then turns looking at her
"Is everything alright" I say to Jackie, but my eyes trace to the sink. It was the tee pot. Jackie and Lucy had this traditions for their birthdays or something. I never really participated in them because I thought they were stupid. Okay I lied, i didn't think they were stupid, I just didn't have anyone to do theses things with.
"Jackie, we can still fix it" I say
"No, it's fine " she forcefully smiles at me

"Okay, everybody, we need to be outside in 15minutes"  Kathrine shouts
"Sweetie, I just......feel terrible"
"It's fine" Jackie says her voice breaking. As she runs back up stairs
I quickly follow her upstairs but she slams the door at my face.
"Jacking we can... talk about it" I say knocking
"No. Blair please leave"
"Fine" I say under my breath.
"heyy you" i say to cam walking over to his locker
"Uh... hey Blair" he says closing the locker
"I  brought you my mom's famous brownies, you are gonna love it"
"Well I can't wait to try them. Hey do you have-" but before I could finish my sentence. Cameron tripped falling face down.
"Oh my god. Cameron!! Are you okay" I panicked bending down to help him.
"Yeah, I'm good. No need for worry's " he say's  holding up his nose. It was bleeding
I suddenly hear laughs coming behind us.
Oh you've got to be kidding me.
"What's wrong with you"  I yell at Isaac and his friends.
"What..it was just joke. He's fine right, cam. Your good right" Isaac laughs walking up to him.then handing him a hand.
Cameron immediately takes his hand, then Isaac lets go causing Cameron to fall once again.
Isaac and his friends start laughing harder walking to their seats.
I roll my eyes going to help cam up.
"Hey.. your okay, I got you" I say helping him up and putting his hand around me.
And then sitting him down on the seat.
I bring out a some tissue and a bandage from my bag, and gently dab it on his nose.
"Dose it hurt when I touch this part" I ask
"No not that much. You are really good at this"
"Well I took a class a few summers ago on health ed"
I continue to dab the wound until the blood stops flowing out.
"What" I slightly laugh noticing him just staring at me.
"Your so beautiful" he say's staring into my eyes.
I take a deep breath then cough a little.
"Uh I was not supposed to say that out loud" he sighs
I laugh.
"No, it's cute" I say placing a bandage on his cut.
"There all done." I say getting up
"Thanks" he try's to get up but stubbles a bit.
"Hey, be careful we don't want you falling again now" Isaac says smirking at me
"God your such ass hole" I say going up to me.
"Miss Richard, please sit down" the teacher says, I roll my eye's going back to my seat.
Isaac laughs before going back to his conversation with his friends.
I scoff.
Later that day miss Tara asked me about Jackie not attending her classes this afternoon. I didn't know anything about what was going on with her. And I was just pissed to even care.
I decided after school to make it up to cam after the whole thing that happened second period. So I took him to this coffee shop Jackie and I went to  days ago.
"Wow, okay these brownies are amazing" my mouth almost full
"What did I tell you" he laughs
"Hey um listen I'm really sorry about Isaac I'll talk to him when I get home"
"Well don't worry I'll get used to it eventually "
"What do you mean, don't they always bully you"
"Nah not as much. Especially Isaac, I think this like the first time he's actually said my name"
"So why are they doing this to you now "
"I don't know maybe, because they don't want me hanging around with someone in particular"
"WHO me" i almost choked on my food
"Yess you"
"Why, Isaac like hates me"
He shrugs
" probably He only does it tick me off"
"Well what ever it is, it's working"
"What do you mean it's working"
"When ever were in class, he uses any excuse to get your attention"
"He's not usually that mean to me, but ever since you got here his been on my back" he adds
I could never think of him liking me . Like what kind of person is utterly mean to you for no absolute reason.
And I didn't really know how i honestly  felt , I mean he wasn't bad looking..... I mean like he was really really hot.
I mean he's okay.I couldn't help but feel a little oozy when  he did that stupid smile when cam fell down. But just a little.
"That's nonsense"I laugh a little to loud.
"Hey guys, what can I get you" Hailey, wills wife says
"Umm," I start looking through the menu
"Wait your Blair right?"
"I'm hailey , wills  fiancé"
"Oh congratulations on, the engagement not the part of being hailey" I awkwardly laughed
A notification came up on my phone it was a slide show of Lucy's last birthday.
My legs started shaking a bit. And my grip tightened on my phone.
"Blair are you okay"Cameron asks
"Yeah, no, I'm fine. I just need" I say but not finishing my sentence leaving the caffe.
I stared up taking deep breaths.no wonder Jackie was all bitchy on me today.
I felt so stupid. Not remembering my own dead cousins birthday .
Tears start flowing down my cheeks and immediately lost it.
I decided to text cam and told him something happened at home and that's why I had to bail.
Later when I came back to the house , I didn't really think about talking anyone, so I spent the longest time in the bathroom. Surprisingly I still haven't heard from Jackie. Which was good I think I kind of it was best for us to get some space and sleep.
The next day I was having a massive headache and my stomach was hurting so fucking bad. So I was basically stuck in bed.
That same day Jackie told me everything about the , the cabin, and the truth or dare, the almost kissing Cole then vomiting on Cole, getting caught by Kathrine, and then she trying to kiss Alex but Alex didn't want to kiss her back.
"Wow. How long was I asleep for" I say feeling my head.
Jackie laughs.
"I'm sorry about how I was treating you through out yesterday" she says coming to sit next to me on my bed.
"It's fine Jackie. She would have loved this. Us. Not trying to beat each other at something dumb"
"Wanna see what I found on my phone" I sniff unlocking my phone showing her a video of me , her and Lucy at their kitchen singing and dancing along to good days by sza.
"Remember that time when she took us to see her" Jackie asks
"Best.night.of my life" I say falling to my pillow.
"Hey, Jackie I need your help cleaning the to cabinets" Cole says peeking through the door.
"Oh yeah" she says getting up.
"How you feeling Blair?" Cole asks
"Horrible. You"
"I'm managing" he say's placing a cup of water on my side desk
I nod and smile at him.
"Come on New York I'm not gonna do this all by myself. He laughs and they both leave the room.
Kathrine came in afterwards just to check up on my vitals and temperature.
"Okay, it doesn't seem to be getting any higher. So cooling pads off." She says
"Listen Blair, I have to head back to the clinic so the boys will be bringing up food and tee, and you're medicine for the particular time" she say's closing my blind.
"Looks like someone's here for their shift" Nathan comes. Out with a hot bowl of piping soup.
"I'll leave you two to it. I'm just a call away " Kathrine say's kissing my forehead. Then leaving.
Nathan and I talked for a bit before he had to leave do something, and I kind of dozed of. Next was Alex I think he was a little off but still remained nice and polite, after was Danny.
Then my temperature started I going low it was freezing. I started coughing uncontrollably.
"God, please don't let me catch disease" Isaac says walking in with a tray.
I sniff then throw a used tissue paper at him
"So it is true you are the ice witch" he laughs
"Your not funny" I roll my eyes
"Oh, yeah. That's not what you thought when I tripped your friend"
He was right. But I wasn't smiling at the fact that cam fell down but for different reasons........
"It's freezing in here could close the window" I ask Shivering.
"Ummm,no." he says about to leave
I sigh still shivering, when I see him turning back removing his sweater, and putting it around me.
"Thanks" I say
"Sure. Thanks to you I have to wash that then burn it" he says closing the windows
I laugh
"Just try and get better. It's hard making fun of you when you can bearly reciprocate"
He says
"I'm even surprised you know that word"
He fake laughs at me then slamming the door.

 It's hard making fun of you when you can bearly reciprocate"He says"I'm even surprised you know that word"He fake laughs at me then slamming the door

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Chapter 4 is outtt!!!!! I made this one extra juicyyy for yalllll

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