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I groan at the sound of doors slamming to eachother

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I groan at the sound of doors slamming to eachother. Finally. Peace and quiet. I thought
"ughhhh" i sigh getting up.
I yawn walking over to the mirror. I usually just had to get dressed in the morning,because i take my baths by 5am then sometimes go back to sleep.
I decided today to make peace with everyone, because I kind of felt bad for pouring water all over Isaac and making a scene. I'll try to apologize to him in the car, hopefully everything goes well.......
"What's that on my hair" I panicked feeling it. It looked like my hair got darker and more dry and fizzy.
I was sure I washed today in the morning.
Jackie runs in looking at the mirror.
"What's wrong?" I ask turning on the light.
"Jackie!! What did you do to your hair!" I laughed
" you think that's funny right" she says turning the mirror facing me.
my jaw drops. My dirty blond hair,with my expensive honey highlights, was now a blackish grey greenish color. And it was all dry and crusty.
"They must've added the dye before you had your early morning showers" Jackie states
"Oh. They are so dead!!" I whined stomping out to   Beat the leavin shit out of them
"Stop, they made a bet, we won't go school today"
"Yeah, exactly I'm not."
"Blair, we have to prove them wrong"
"Fine" I groan walking to my closet to pick what I'm gonna wear.
After I got dressed I turned to the mirror.

 Since it was only really the tips of my hair that was damaged

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. Since it was only really the tips of my hair that was damaged. I did silk back the Jackie helped me braid the tail.
I looked okay, I guess. It looked more intentional than accidental.
"Are you ready to go" Jackie say's picking up her school bag
"No" I say
Jackie laughs.


I walk into school hopping that no one paid to much attention to my hair today. But when you really think about it everyone has their own problems their dealing with,so not everyone dose pay attention.
"Wow, nice hair" Cameron says
"It's just for today" i silty laugh opening my locker.
"Never seen a person pick green,grey and yellow as a color of hair choice"
"Sadly it wasn't my choice"
"Yeah, it was mine" that agitating voice speaks.
I roll my eyes, pretending I didn't hear anything.
"So do you want to meet up at in bio class during lunch" cam asks
I was about to respond when.
"Actually she's busy" Isaac says coming infront of me.
"Actually. She isn't busy and I'll be there" I smile at cam
"I'll see you a class Blair"
I nod as he walks away.
"Your hair looks kind of hot" isacc says closing my locker.
I glare at him. "Then you should do it to" I say walking to class
"I'm still waiting" he says behind me as I walk into class
"For what"
"My apology"
"Oh, I have it right here" I say pretending to bring something out of my pocket. Then i bring out my hand giving him the middle
He sarcastically laughs.

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