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Ashen Pov

It was finally the week of Riley's birth. I was so excited for some reason. Stephen was also excited. As we were cleaning up, Ayesha finally came. Once I opened the door Ayesha was standing there smiling."Oh my you're so beautiful!" I said."You too!" She said as we hugged each as our stomach got in our way. "Oh come sit down. Stephen, baby can you get her bags." I said as I guided her to the living room." Alright and hey Ayesha." he said. "Hey." she said as he passed by. We then sat down in the living where Alfo was in his play pin watching Jack and the never land pirates. "Aw that's Alfo."Ayesha said as she sat down. I then picked Alfo up and brought him to her."Say hey, Alfo." I said. "Hellwo." Alfo said as he waved. "Aww, hi he's so adorable, how old is he?" Ayesha said. " I one." Alfo said as he put is index finger up. "Aww he's adorable." Ayesha said as she smiled big. "Tank you." Alfo said. Stephen then came in with her bags."Da- da" Alfo said."Huh." Stephen said as he held the bags. Alfo then reached his arms out.I then put Alfo down and he walked towards Stephen. Stephen then picked Alfo up and they went upstairs to put the bags up. "So are you excited about the baby." I said."Of course. Like I got so much I wanna do for her."  She said as she smiled. "I know that feeling, I was so excited about having Alfo. I had plans for him and I to do, like taking him to the lake and watch  and feed the ducks, all that kind of stuff." I said. "Aww, but I like his name a lot where did it come from?" She asked."Well Alfo is short for Alfonso, that's his daddy's name. But his real name is Alonzo." I said. "Aww, Oh wow I've been saying aww to much *giggles*"  She said. I smiled and said " Its Alright . " "So how many months are you?" she asked. "I'm not pregnant." I said."Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." She said. "I'm just kidding I'm 2 months" I said as I laughed. "Oh gosh you got me good" she said. Stephen then came back down with Alfo. "Da-Da" Alfo said. "Huh" Stephen said. "Piyates." He said as he pointed at the T.V. They then sat in Stephen's reclining chair. Ayesha and I just watched them as they bonded, it was so adorable. The theme song came on as Alfo wiggled around to the song while in Stephen's lap. Whenever the song would say "Yo ho" Stephen and Alfo would say It back. "Les GO!!" Alfo yelled as Ayesha and I giggled. "This must be his favorite show *giggles*"  She said. "Yes, he loves this show so much, he has every toy, but he likes watching it with steph as you can see. " I said. "Aww," She said. "Aww every once in awhile he will look back at Steph to see if he's watching " Ayesha said."I know right! its so..." I said. "Adorable." we said in unison."Oh yea, you have to see Riley's room" I said."You already have a room for her Aww, of course I wanna see?" She said."Of course darling." I said as I got up and helped her up." Mah -me?" Alfo said As him and Stephen looked back at us. "Mommy just gonna show Ayesha, Riley's room. That's all baby, I'll be right back."  I said."Ohtay." he said as him and Stephen looked back at the T.V. We then went up to Riley's room."Oh my this is so Adorable , Thank you so much this is too cute." She said as she looked around like a kid in a candy store."I'm glad you like it, I always wanted a little girl and when I found out you were having one, I was so excited , I went straight to shopping for her, getting her clothes, bows, etc." I said smiling."Aww you're the best." She said as she hugged me. As we went back to the living room I asked"We know we can't control what our kids gonna be when they grow  up, but what you want her to be?" She then said "A Doctor or Lawyer." I then said"Aww I'm A lawyer!" She then said"Omg for real!" I then said "Yea, but I want Alfo to be A doctor, his dad and Steph want him to be a basketball player, obviously *laughs* his dad wanted him at every basketball game and Stephen gave him a lot of basketball toys, but personally I think he's gonna be a singer like his papa." She giggled " Aww of course they would want him to be a basketball player. " She said. We then went back down in the living room and Alfo was putting his pirate eye patch and pirate hat on Stephen as Stephen just sat there allowing him to do it. "AARRGGH" Stephen said as Alfo giggled. "AARRGGH, Are you a pirate too mate ?"Stephen said. Alfo giggled and said"ARGGHH, I piyate, ARRGGH" Stephen then smiled at Alfo and kissed his forehead. Ayesha and I hearts melted right their. We then sat back on the sofa. Alfo got out of Stephen's lap and walked towards me and climbed up into my lap. "Riwey piyate too?" He asked."Of course, she's gonna be a pirate like izzy." I said. Alfo got out my lap as he walked to his toy box and came back with a toy. It was Izzy the pirate toy. He tried to give the toy to me."Tis fo Riwey." He said."You wanna give that to Riley , baby?" I said as Ayesha smiled. He nodded and said "Yaahh!!" I then said " That's nice of you pumpkin, give it to Ms. Ayesha."  He then walked to her and handed her the toy shyly. "Thank you, Riley would love this gift." ayesha said. Alfo then ran back to me and sat in my lap. Stephen was in his seat knocked out."Do you know your ABC's?" Ayesha said. "Yesa" Alfo."Can you sing it for me?" She asked. He nodded and started."A,B,C,D,E,F,G!, H,I....J,K,LMENO, P ,Q,R, S,T,U,V,Wawawu,X,Y,And Z!" He said smiling big." Good job baby ." I said. " Good job, can I get an High-five?" She said as She held her hand out. He then gave her a high-five. We then talked all day as Alfo played with my stomach, played with his toys, and took nap. I put Alfo in Stephen arms since he fell asleep on the ground and they slept so peacefully as Ayesha And I cooked. We both knew how to cook, so you know dinner was gonna be good. Alfo ended up only taking a 45 minute lap so he helped us cook. Hours later food was done the Stephen instantly woke when we said"Foods ready." We all sat at the table and ate dinner. We shared some laughs,smiles,and jokes. Everything was normal. We were happy, no tension at all.  After Those hours of talking, Stephen bathed Alfo as Ayesha and I cleaned up.  It was then story time for Alfo and It was Steph's turn. He laid on the love seat as Alfo  laid on his chest we stood at the door and watched."After a long day of fun it was bed time for the animals everywhere. Good night cow." Stephen said. Alfo then said "Mooo" Stephen said "Good night duck" Alfo's favorite animal sound "Quack Quack" Alfo said as he giggled and Stephen smiled at him as he turned the page of the picture book ."Good night monkey." Stephen said."Oo oo ah ah" Alfo said slowly as he got sleepy. "Good night dog." Stephen said."Woof Woof." Alfo said, "Good night frog" Stephen said, getting sleepy himself."Ribbit."Alfo said."Good night pig" Stephen said as him and Alfo yawned in unison."Oink oink." Alfo said."Good night cat." Stephen said. Alfo never last to make to the cat he always falls asleep at that part. Stephen looked down at Alfo and says" Good night Alfo, sweet dreams bud" and kisses his forehead before closing the book.He then put Alfo in his crib as we left."Aww that was adorable." Ayesha said as we walked to her guest room. "I know right, it just melts my heart." I said as we went in her room. " you raised a smart, sweet, handsome boy and I'm thankful to have you as Riley's Stepmom." Ayesha said. "Aww thank you." I said as I gave her a hug."Now if you need anything feel free to get it, you don't have to ask, I'm getting tired so I'mma call it a night, and if need us just knock on our door or even call us."I said. "Alright and thank you again." She said. "You welcome." I said. I then left and went to my room. Stephen was in the bathroom taking a shower. I went in there and took a shower with him. We usually don't talk he just  there silent and smiling as I sing. "I was like baby baby baby ohhh thought you always be mine" I sung as I bathe.  I then turned towards him as I washed my hair and sung" You're bout to have a baby baby ohh baby baby ohh." He then chuckled. I then hugged him and he gave me a kiss.We then got out the shower and got dressed and brushed our teeth. After that we laid in bed. Stephen played with my stomach and talked to it . "Hey little me, if I was you I would stay in there forever, because I know it feels good to be inside your mother *chuckles*  *I hit him playfully* and its a jungle out here. but then again I want you to come out so that I can see you, hold you, kiss you, and spoil you. And I will be by your side and guide you through this jungle."Stephen said as he kissed my stomach. "You think its gonna be a girl or boy?" I asked." A Girl, I just know It, no doubt about it, Ashley August-Alina  Curry is in your stomach." He said smiling big. "I feel like its gonna be twins for some odd reason" I said. "Oh really twins, that's a total of 4 babies to take care of." He said."But I could be wrong because I thought I was having a girl, but I ended up having Alfo." I said. Stephen then wrapped his arms around my stomach and kissed it saying"I don't care who you are and what you gonna be, I'm still gonna love you." "Aww baby" I said. He then came up to me and gave me a kiss. He then rested his head on my chest, slowly falling asleep. I eventually fell asleep too.

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