Attention stunt

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Ashlen Pov

Trey And I went down to Atlanta with Alfo to vist the family. We went down there not knowing that were gonna be apart of the most important day of our life. This may not be important to you but its important to us.It was so important Our Grandma and God parents had to see this. Instagram had to see this,Facebook had too, and family and friends.

This is what happened.Trey and I Were talking to my dad as he held Alfo.Ansley then came into the house from school with Val and ashton Behind her. Ansley's eyes were red and puffy like she just got done crying."Daddy I wanna cut my hair." Dad and I gasped and its funny cause Alfo gasped on accident on the right timing. "Whats so bad about her cutting her hair?" Trey said looking confused."Its a symbolism of mom she gave Ansley the nickname Rapunzel because Ansleys hair was the longest in the family even when doctors said she wouldn't be able to grow hair in certain areas and it will stay short cause she supposedly had an Disease called Alopecia Areata and momma had to prove them wrong and we all prayed and momma took care of her hair. " I said.Trey then said"Oh.Well*Gasps*" My daddy then nervously laughed and said"You Mean like Just get the ends clipped right?"Ansley then said "no get it shaved off." Dad and I Gasped again as Trey did it also."Why are you doing this?"My dad said as he went through his hair."My bestfriend she hasn't been coming to school lately and I just found out she has cancer and she's scared to come to school because she doesn't have hair no more and I told her I'll cut my hair so that we can go through this together."Ansley said."aww" I said as I teared up and I opened my arms to hug her.She came and sat in my lap and I held her tight."Thats very nice of you but how bout you just wear a bald cap.She ain't gotta know."My dad said.I then hit him and said"ayy thats not cool.Ansley I'm on your side with this one,But first let me play with it one last time." She then said"Thanks and ok." She always had her hair in ponytails or buns because it was too long to manage,Think about it like this you see how long her hair was as a toddler so now that she's 16, imagine how long her hair is now. And whenever it was down and its real straight her hair stops to her knees. When its puffy and down it stops to her thighs. I remember how when she was younger it will stop to her feet and Daddy would have it cut to where it stopped at her butt and it will grow right back. And even if daddy put it in a high ponytail it still was long.Thats why now she always has it in a bun.Sometimes she'll switch it up and do two buns.We paid a lot of money to get ansley's hair done.But anyways I took ansley's bun out and combed it out. It stopped to her thighs."Dammmmnnnn" Trey said."No wonder its in buns always.Wow." Ansley chuckled as I combed her hair."You was the lucky child.You Had all of momma hair texture.I got ni**a hair mixed with white people hair.Like you can tell I had black in me. But you had the mixed skin tone but had 96% white people hair and 4% black people hair and mines was the other way around .Lucky" I said as she chuckled."You sure you wanna do this?" my daddy said."Yes daddy."Ansley said."Well alright lets go." So on our way to supercuts dad tried to persuade Ansley not to cut her hair."Ay you know in the bible There was a woman named Samsonia .God gave her strength and to have her strength she couldn't have her hair cut. Her hair was the reason she was so strong.But then one day her friend Delilah didn't want Samsonia to have strength cause she didn't have any. Sidenote I bet your bestfriend name Delilah.* Ansley then says no its deliyah* Wow explains a lot, but anyways while Samsonia was sleep Delilah cut her hair off.Now Samsonia is weak.Then at the end she dies with everyone at her school." My dad said. Trey, Val, Aiden,And I busted ou laughing cause dad done changed up the bible."And you're telling me this because of..."Ansley said."because I'm telling you, you doing this will take away your strength to pull boys and you will lose all your fans that prayed that your hair will grow."My dad said." I don't even care if I can't pull boys anymore cause its not like you gonna let me date them at my age now and plus my fans aren't real if they can't except my change." Ansley said. "She got a point." I said as I sat in the back of the van with Trey and Alfo.I then laughed and said"How you gonna change up the bible you know good and well it was a Man named Samson not woman. And Samson didn't die with everyone at school, he died with the Philistines." My dad then said "Well look at who reads their bible. You go girl, you must have skipped the part when it says something about hmmm...Marriage before sex." I then said "You missed the part too and the part when it says not to mark your body." He then said" You and trey missed the part too." I then rolled my eyes. Dad then called My god dad and God mom.He also called Grandma sheila and my Auntie and Uncles. "wow this is that important to yal"Trey said."Very..well to them, I can careless I'm just curious how ugly Ansley gonna look."Aiden said. Ansley the punched him."Yea we need to cut it off cause she used so much of her strength when she punched me" Aiden said. We then made it to the supercuts We went in the place and My grandma And uncles and Auntie and God mom was already there."We couldn't miss this, But I'm glad you're doing this for a good reason" My grandma said."ma you suppose to be on my side with this." my dad said."No I'm with her on this one."my grandma said."Thanks Granny."Ansley said. Ansley was then put in the chair. "You scared?" I said. "A little." she said. As the barber took Ansley's bun out, surprised with how much hair Ansley had, My god daddy came busting in. He ran to Ansley And hugged her and went through her hair. "Don't do it Ansley, It ain't worth it don't do it "He said trying to mimic the color purple."Boy get off me, I'm doing It anyways." Ansley said. He then got off her and kissed her head. We then watched as they prepared to cut Ansley's hair. As they prepared I said"Aww I remember when I use to hate on you cause you had the longest hair and momma and daddy called you Rapunzel so while you were sleep I got my safety scissors and cut one side of your hair to the same length of mines and the next day I got a whoopen and they had to cut your hair shoulder length or the time when we was playing hair dresser and I got my mighty safety scissors and tried to trim your hair like the real hairdresser, but it turned out uneven and I got a whoopen that day, got my scissors taken away from me and you got your hair cut shoulder length again.Well guess who got the long hair now??? Me!" Trey chuckled and said"Yal should have named Ashlen Delilah." Everyone then laughed. Then it was time Paparazzi took pictures from outside as we recorded it with our phones. Ansley covered her eyes as the clippers got close to her. Daddy and god daddy covered their eyes to as they peeked through the their hands. The barber was so close to cutting her hair until she said"No I can't do this" My dad and god dad then said in unison"Yess that's my girl." They then high-fived, "NO you can do this. Do it for deliyah do it for your fans who have cancer that look up to you." I said. My dad and God dad then said"Shut the fu** up Ashlen." My dad then said "If she doesn't wanna do it anymore she doesn't have to" Ansley then said "NO She right. I gotta do this." My god dad then said "no she just wants you to cut it so that her hair can be the longest and bet she has been waiting for this day for the longest." I then gasped and said "that is not true whatsoever." I said."It don't matter imma do it so go ahead." So the lady shaves off one side of Ansley's hair. Daddy could barely take it. Him and My god dad picked up the hair before it could fall to the ground. Ansley was now completely baldheaded. "Open your eyes now Cailou" Aiden said. We all chuckled and my grandma hit him. Ansley opened her eyes. Her jaw dropped " Oh why did I...not do this earlier. I look cute with my hair gone." She said as she looked in the mirror."I like it." I said as I went through my hair."Of course you do Delilah." My god dad said. I then side eyed him as my dad said"You actually like it?" Ansley said"Yes I like it,it reminds me of Amber rose." My dad said"Oh so you want us o call you Ansley rose or Muva." she chuckled and said"muva." He then kissed Ansley's baldhead and said"I remember how every night your mom would kiss the two patches of missing hair in the back of your head now I'm kissing your whole head, hoping it will grow back." He then lightly smiled. Aiden then said"I don't care what they call you but to me you're cailou." Ansley then rolled her eyes "What you gonna do with the hair" my god mom said as My god dad put some of Ansley's hair on Alfo and him. Even dad put it in his hair." I'm gonna donate it" She said."aww that's very nice of you.I can really see you're maturing and I'm proud of you" my god mom said "Thanks and Oh Ashlen you finally have the longest hair." Ansley said."You know what you actually motivated me to cut my hair and donate it too." said. Trey's eyes grew big and he said"No you not, what am I suppose to go through at night or what am I suppose to pull on when we-*everyone looks at him as my eyes grew big in embarrassment* play hair dresser." I then sighed as everyone ignored that comment."I'm not cutting it all off. Instead of it stopping to my butt it will stop at my shoulders." I said.Trey then said"oh" I then got my hair cut. Trey liked it and everyone else did too. I loved it too.When then left as Paparazzi took pictures.We then went to visit Ansley's friend at the hospital. It was so emotional for everyone. Especially for Ansley.

Once we made it home I sent the video too Grandma Meary. She texted me saying"oh gosh she cut her precious hair whyyyy." I then text back and said"She did it for a friend who had cancer and donated the hair I also donated some of my hair." She then texted back"Aww thats nice of both of you," I then text back"Thanks" I then went on instagram to post the video,but before I could Theshaderoom had posted something about it before any of us could.Theshaderoom said" Looks like we got ourself a new Amber Rose.# AugustAlsina and family spotted at Supercuts with daughter, Ansley Alsina who goes completely bald. Ashlen Alsina also gets hair cut." There was some positive comments but a lot of negative like "Its not usual for Ansley to be The attention Whore I expect this from Ashlen." Another one was " August is losing it.Why Ashley had to leave soon. He's just letting this little girl do anything and she's only 16.Next thing you know he's gonna let her get boob and a** implants .#thenewkardashians." an other one was"She might be a better Amber Rose." Me being me. I don't play about mines, so I commented "We don't seek for attention. We just live our normal lives and you give your attention to it cause we're doing things you wish you had the money to do. But anyways this isn't a attention stunt,Ansley's friend has cancer and Ansley wants to support her and others who's going through this so she donated her hair. So before you talk sh*t know the story.Oh yea Ansley just sneezed did it catch your attention." Minutes later my comment was posted on theshaderoom and it said"#AshlenAlsina vs. Fans #Clapbackseason.The theshaderoom then posted a pic of my god mom and god dad and said" #ChrisBrown and #Karrueche spotted together at supercuts. People instantly thought they got back together, not knowing that they didn't talk to each other at all.Most likely my god parents will comment on this. To clear things up I posted the video and said" I'm so proud of my sister.She cut her hair or a good purpose. Her friend has cancer and she wanted to support her.So she went bald and donated her hair#doitfordeliyah." My dad then posted a picture of him kissing her baldhead and said "even though I didn't want my baby to cut her precious hair, I'm glad she did it.For a Good purpose #Doitfordeliyah" People was proud for Ansley some even said"Thats very nice of her." "Aww she cut her precious hair we prayed for,but she's still cute." "She's an amazing bestfriend." My brother then posted a video of him singing the Cailou theme song as he followed Ansley around the house as she got mad.He then captioned it "I'm proud of my Cailou lookin a** sister. She's an amazing bestfriend.Cailou has a kind heart for donating all her hair. #doitfordeliyah." Ansley then posted a picture of her And deliyah at the hospital.She then said"I can't let my bestfriend be baldheaded by herself, #doitfordeliyah." We started a movement everyone started to #doitfordeliyah.

Five months later

Trey,Alfo,And I went back to Atlanta for Deliyah's funeral. It was very sad. I held ansley As she cried in my arms. As I held her I went through her hair that stopped at her shoulders. Once the funeral was over Ansley posted a slideshow of her And deliyah. She captioned it"I will never forget our talks on the phone and you telling me your boy problems,goals, and listening to you yell at your brothers most of the time. I will never forget how we will always match and was always together.If I was Somewhere you were there.It was odd to people when we weren't together. You will always be loved and never forgotten #RipDeliyah." Ansley then posted a dubsmash of her And Deliyah as They were laying in the hospital bed and Baldheaded. Deliyah mouthed"You are my bestfriend! If I'm dying.You Dying with me. Ain't no choice." As ansley just looked at her. Ansley captioned it"She didn't want me to die with her,she was just kidding.She wanted me to live out our dreams.And do the things we always talked about doing.Thats what I'm gonna do#ripdeliyah."

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