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"In the past, I used to be an outcast. The reason I was treated that way was due to me dressing and acting oddly. For me, I didn't see anything wrong with dressing up being cute. Nobody wanted to be my friend, except for this boy who was a grade higher then me and a girl I met in high school. Soon later, I was opened to the world of music with a music video from a friend of mind. I want to keep pursuing in music, in anyway I can!"

???: Hmhm~Time for lunch!

Mizuki Akiyama was at school, which is something that she usually skips. 

Mizuki POV: Next we have ELA, huh. And soon, its freedom!

After school...

Mizuki: Ah, what a day! Hm, oh its a text from my mom! 

Mizuki POV: She wants me to get that CD for her.

Mizuki: Well, gotta head there now!

At the music shop...

Mizuki: Ah! There it is! 

Mizuki POV: All I got to do is pay for it and head home!

A few minutes later....

Mizuki: Its sunset, huh. Better take a short cut. Hmm, maybe in that alleyway.

Mizuki then goes into the alleyway and arrives at a different street.

Mizuki: This doesn't go where I need to go!

Then there was cheering noise coming from somewhere.

Mizuki: Huh? Is that a live house?

Mizuki then secretly enters and sees a crowd cheering for a team.

Mizuki POV: Is this a battle event?

Member A: ~~~~~~~~!

Mizuki: (Gasps)

Member B: ~~~!~~~~!

Mizuki: Amazing!!!

After the event, Mizuki then heads out.

Mizuki: Woo! That was amazing!

Mizuki POV: My hearts beating so loud. It had such an impact on me!

Mizuki: Oh, speaking of which.

Mizuki then walks up to someone.

Mizuki: Um excuse me, do you know how to get back to kamiyama?

???: Ah sure. Just make a left and you'll be on your way.

Mizuki: Thanks!

As Mizuki takes  her leave.

??? POV: Was that, An's classmate?

In Mizuki's room..

Mizuki: Wah..What a day!

Mizuki POV: I really want to go back there. That was amazing!

Mizuki: I'm gonna go listen to some music before dinner starts.

Mizuki then goes to her playlist and sees a mysterious file.

Mizuki: Huh? Untitled?

Mizuki then presses it and it then flashes.

Mizuki: Wah!

She is then teleported to stage. Not just any stage, but it a live house stage.

Mizuki: Huh, why am I in a live house?

???: Its because your in a SEKAI!

???: She's right!

Mizuki: Eh? Miku? MEIKO?

Miku: Yep! That's us!

MEIKO: C'mon Len, she's here!

Len: Eh? She is?

Mizuki: Len too? I'm in a SEKAI?

Miku: A SEKAI along from four other's feelings. And soon, when you guys find your true feelings, a song will be born!

Len: Bring them here!

Meiko: We'll meet again! For now, bye!

Mizuki: W-Wait!!!

Mizuki is then teleported to her room, as she is seen sleeping on her bed.

Mizuki: Huh, what a strange dream.

Mizuki POV: Miku, MEIKO, and Len were in my dream. That's kinda wierd.

Mizuki's Mom: Mizuki, dinner!

Mizuki: Coming mom!

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