Enter: Music Cafe

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Meanwhile at Weekend Garage with Mizuki & An...

An: By the way Mizuki, wanna go into...you know.

An then winks at Mizuki.

Mizuki: Sure!

An: I plan to go with Mizuki somewhere. We'll see you around, Airi!

Airi: Okay!

In an alleyway...

Mizuki: The coast is clear!

An: Then lets go.

An then clicks the file and are teleported into the live house SEKAI. They then go out the back and then see the cafe is open. Mizuki on the other hand is identifying the other live house's names.

Mizuki: There's TEAL, WEEKEND WORLD, FLAME...Wah! There is one to many to count!

An: Hehe. The cafe is open now! Lets head in.

In the Music cafe...

Mizuki: Look at this place! This place is amazing!

Len: Oh. Mizuki, An...Hello..

Mizuki POV: The Len here isn't one to interact, isn't he.

Miku: Whoa, Mizuki. What did you do to your outfit?

Mizuki: What do you think?

Meiko: You look amazing!!!

Mizuki: Thank you! Who operates the shop?

Miku: Len & I do. Sometimes Meiko does. Rin does occasionally, but I wonder where she is.

Meiko: Since you guys are here, maybe Akito & Airi may come too!

An: Eh? Akito & Airi too?

Meiko: Eh! I said it out loud. Sorry!

Miku: No worries Meiko. 

Len: Yeah...

An: Can I have some cheesecake please!

Mizuki: I want some bubble tea, please!

Miku: Coming right up!

Mizuki: By the way An, why the cheesecake?

An: Thought to try something for the change.

Mizuki: Okay.

Miku: Here's your cheesecake and your bubble tea.

Mizuki: Thanks Miku!

An: Thanks Miku! The cheesecake looks so good!

An POV: I think Akito would like this. He loves cheesecake.

Mizuki then gets a text from someone.

Mizuki POV: Huh? Ena?

<Ena>: Mizuki, can we take at my place. I need to tell you something. Its urgent.

Mizuki POV: I better head there. If this is about Akito, maybe she know!

Mizuki: I'm gonna take this bubble tea to go. I need to go somewhere. Its a bit urgent, none of your concern.

An: Okay...

Meiko: See ya!

Miku: Come again!

Mizuki then teleports out of the SEKAI. A few minutes later, she is at the Shinonome residence.

Mizuki: Okay then.

Mizuki then rings the door bell and Ena opens the door.

Ena: Mizuki! Thank goodness your here! Can we talk.

Mizuki: Is it about Akito?

Ena: Yes. I know you may know some of the issue but...I may need to explain it a bit more further.

Mizuki POV: It sounds so urgent then ever.

Mizuki: Okay then. Ask away!

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