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I looked blankly at my wall for a few moments. Luke Hemmings was the only thing I had in mind. Em started waving at me, I'm must've zoned out a little too long.

"Stop that Daisy! It's creeping me out!"

"Sorry..It just feels weird.."

"What did he tell you?"

"He told me he wanted to meet up in a few weeks" I was still staring at the wall.

"The Luke Hemmings, wants to meet up with you?! Daisy you don't know how lucky you are!"

"I don't believe it though, I'm scared too"

"Why are you scared?"

"What if I mess up, what if Josh messes it up?"

"It's going to be fine!"

"Not after everything, I've messed up before.. Em I mess up everything, I even almost messed up our friendship, I messed up school, my social rank, my relationships, myself, my family life, I mean if it wasn't for my mum and you... I don't know where I'd be"

"Okay, but you could get tutoring, you could try talking to people, forget about Josh, he's the problem, not you and your dad just wasn't worth having a daughter like you, everything can be changed and not all of it was your fault."

"Thanks Em, you don't have to, you know" I smiled, but deep down, I wouldn't believe what she said, people hated me because of the way I act at school, the way I dress, the way I am, but I couldn't care about them anymore. Josh abused me because he never loved me, nobody ever loved me apart from Em and my mum, not even my own dad loved me.

Em suggested going out to the shopping mall, to "celebrate" this. She wanted to buy me the perfect outfit for my first date with Luke, even though right now, nothing was happening. I didn't want anything to happen, I wasn't ready. Yes, I love Luke, but he'll just end up leaving like my dad left my mum. Like everyone else who ends up leaving me.

We tried on a few things until she decided what I should wear, I mean I liked it, but I'll probably never wear around since it's not happening. I sighed.

"Wow okay, you seem upset, let's get some ice cream" Em said probably after hearing my sigh.

"Sorry" I smiled it off.

"Don't be, I get it, you're not too sure about this whole thing, it's going to be fine"

I smiled Em dragged me up to this ice cream shop, apparently her favourite, which she never told me about. We looked down at all the flavours. Then someone asked what flavours we wanted, I was still looking down at all the flavours, deciding which one I'd have. Em also had her eyes glued to the ice cream.

"Uhm.. I'll have the strawber-"

I looked up.

This wans't happening. Guess he got a job after being kicked out of school. He was smirking the whole way. I hated that look. Em looked up to, being as shocked as me. She started talking to me, telling me within a look to wait for her outside. I did so.

"She'll have strawberry and I'll have the chocolate one"

"Sure" I could feel his stare on me.

Em came back with our ice cream.

"Here, we should probably leave"


We stopped by the toilets, Em had the urge to go. I held her ice cream for her, waiting outside. I felt a hand grab my arm. I panicked. I turned around to see that face again.

"Josh stop it! Leave me alone!" I yelled, getting a few stares.

"No, I won't, your still mine, and your coming with me" He said with a commanding tone.

He dragged into the first toilets that appeard. They were completely closed off, and there wasn't any seperate girls or boys bathroom. He closed the door.

"I'll get you other ones" He said as he dropped the ice cream in the toilets, flushing them away. I didn't care about getting other ice creams, I just wanted to get out.

"Josh, it's over, I'm not into you anymore, will you please just let me go!" I pleaded to him.

"No way, you are staying here babe" I felt a tear escape my eye.

"Babe don't cry, I'll be gentle" I heard my cell phone ring I checked, Em was calling. I managed to quickly text her.

TO: Emma


I barely managed to hit send, as he took my phone switched it off. He started to take off his pants when, and started to take my shirt off. Leaving kisses on my neck, which I hated. I tried to get to reach the door, failing a few times. Until I finally manages to open the door and rush outisde, running until I bumped into Em.

I collapsed into her arms.

"Em can we please leave?" I cried"

"Sure we'll go wait for the next bus"

We walked towards the bus station and I was feeling so bad. I just wished I had never met Josh. He was my life a constant nightmare, it felt like I could never avoid him. On the bus I explained everything to Em. She could only feel sorry, there was nothing that could be done.

She said bye as we walked our seperate ways. I took my phone out, luckily he didn't keep it. I switched it back on. I sighed.

TO: Luke

I'm sorry but I can't do this.. :'(

I got in my room, and cried again. I wish I didn't have to cry so much. I wish I wasn't such a mess.

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