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I woke up. We we're in a hotel room in L.A. Our two weeks off would start now and the first thing that came up into my mind was Daisy. I must be crazy, I've seen her once. Why do I feel so strongly towards her. 

It was mid-afternoon already, I've been so tired from all the shows and late nights. I was the first one awake. Calum and I we're staying in the same room and Michael and Ashton we're in the room next to us. 

I went into the bathroom and had a shower. The warm water over my back would take the tense from my muscles away. I'd just stand there and think about it all. I had no clue what to do. I said I was going to go see her, nut I don't know, it could be creepy for her. I should just call her and try to get her to want to talk to me. 

I stayed in the shower for what felt like ages but was really just 20 minutes. When I got out of the bathroom all dressed, Calum was waiting to get into the bathroom.

"Dammit Luke! Why do you always put water everywhere!"

Oops I thought, I don't know how that always happens, I mean I just shower, it's not like I'm doing anything else.

I took my luggage and packed everything back in. I was going to see her. I planned to get there by plane, so it wouldn't be too long. I called my manager asking him to plan the trip, avoid any information being peeked about me flying off and where too. I loved my fans so much but I needed this time to make it up to Daisy and to win her heart. I wanted her to be mine so damn much. I wanted to tell her I loved her, I wanted to make love to her, I wanted her to love me back.

"Where are you going?"

"Going to meet Daisy"

"Does she know?"

"No but hopefully she won't mind it"

"Okay, good luck then" He smiled.

I smiled back weakly. I still wasn't sure about this whole thing.

 I've only met her once and I'm already all over her, but maybe I loved the idea of loving the Daisy I had made up within my mind. Maybe she wasn't how I thought she was. Maybe she was just like any other girl. This was too complicated. I had to go see her and figure whether she's really the girl I think she is. 


I got to the airport. I got a message from Ashton saying they were all wishing him luck and to not forget to rest. I would I be able to rest, my mind was constantly thinking.  One of the bodyguards came up to me, telling me he's stay with me throughout the trip and that'd he's arranged a flat in the same town as Daisy for two weeks and a car. 

We checked in and went through security. There was a Starbucks cafe so I went to get myself some coffee. On the way there two fans asked me for a picture which I gladly accepted. I asked not to post them yet and to not tweet I was here. I think they understood but I couldn't be entirely sure. I asked them if they wanted a Starbucks, which I'd pay them, since they  seemed like nice people. After we each got our Starbucks we talked about music, and they appeared to listen to the same bands as I do which made the conversation interesting. 

They asked me about future music, which I gladly told them about. Unfortunately I had to leave, I was called by my body guard telling me it was time to board. I each gave them a hug and they waved at me and said goodbye with a huge smile, which made me smile. 

The whole trip  my mind was only thinking about Daisy. It's like I'd been poisoned into love. When you feel like the world would brake down if that person wouldn't love you back, I was too damn attached to her, even though I barely knew her. 

As I arrived, I was stopped by a few fans but not many which I sort of was glad about in this moment. 

We got into the car, and I put my headphones in, listening to songs to make me feel less nervous. I looked out of the window, feeling my heartbeat grow faster. We'd pass infront of lots of different houses, shops and different places. There was a park around the corner, I saw two teenage girls about my age with their guitars. 

Something about them was familiar. 

"Can you stop here please?" I asked the driver. 

"No problem"  

The car engine stopped and I opened the car.


She turned around and she was as beautiful as ever. 


A/N Sorry about not updating for so long but I'm back now! Hopefully you'll like this! Please vote, it makes my day!

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