Chapter 5: Teeny weeny thoughts that dirty

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"Thanks for taking me out tonight, Irf," Anntonia said, smiling up at the guy as they stopped in front of the apartment door. "I had a great time."

Irfan smiled back and nodded.

"Me too, Ann... amazing time, actually. I can't wait to do it again." The he took her hand up in his lips and gave it a light kiss. "I still can't believe you said yes, by the way. I told my sister about you and she nearly flipped when she found out you were the party clown," he said, chuckling.

"Well, I guess it was a little weird, but I'm glad I gave you a shot." She grinned at the guy and suddenly felt awkward standing there, his eyes burning into her. She was keenly aware of her hand in his, and realized it had been a long time since anyone had made her uncomfortable, but not in a negative way, and she didn't know whether she liked these antsy feelings she had with Irfan or not.

She thought, their date was amazing. Irfan turned out to be more like her than she could have imagined. That, or he was good at reading other people. Either way, he took her to this restaurant that she absolutely adored. The walls were lined with old black and white photographs and a view that leant a romantic atmosphere. When she saw the white butcher paper covering the tables and the crayons to color on it with, she'd squealed with delight. They'd spent the evening talking and laughing, and by the end of the night, she had found herself extremely attracted to him.

Now, standing in front of the guy, she was a little enthusiastic. She felt her pulse quicken as she wondered what would happen next. Usually, she was the one in control of these situations, but tonight though, it felt different. Tonight she'd lost that little bit of daredevil in her, and she was actually nervous, an emotion she rarely felt. Or she dare say, after Max.

Irfan finally let go of her handand heard him cleared his throat and turned to looked away, biding his time. The guy seemed anxious, until he decided open his arms for a hug, and pulled her close. They stood again there for a moment, looking at each other without anything to say but she could see how his pupils dilated while looking at her. She felt her heartbeat quicken as Irfan leaned forward but his face turned to her side and to her ears.

"Ann..." he whispered, his lips barely grazing the edge of her ear. "I really want to kiss you," he said, never pulling away from her.

She immediately felt her face hot as she leaned back so she could see his face. The guy straightened up, and she tilted her face towards him.

"Then what's stopping you? Do it," she said simply.


Michelle rolled her eyes, because how typical of Mr. Perfect to ask for a kiss.

"So, he asked if he could kiss you and you said yes, and that was the end of your 'magical romantical' evening? Are you sure nothing more happened?" She asked in a ridiculous tone, looked bored on purpose, even though she was hanging on Anntonia's every word.

"Yeah, pretty much sure nothing more happened. Are you satisfied now? Can I go to bed?"

She nooded. Earlier, as soon as her best friend walked in the door, she'd pounced on her, asking her for every possible detail. For some unknown reason, she had this urge to know if this Irfan guy survived a night with Anntonia the Wonder Clown. Apparently, he had.

She shook her head and looked at Anntonia, suddenly frowning. "Wait. What are you gonna do now? Are you gonna go out with earphone again?"

She saw a small smile crept into the latter's lips and she silently groaned.

"Maybe. And can you stop mocking his name? It's Irfan, not earphone."

"Whatever. His name sounds like it, and it helps me to remember. And what do you mean, Maybe? What does that mean? Maybe if he doesn't catch syphilis before then? Maybe if he's not married? Maybe— ouch!" She was cut mid sentence when a throw pillow from the couch landed in her face.

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