Chapter 8: Unexpected Detour

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"I mean, it's 11:45 on a Friday night. I know there's still time to get into the ferry but you can't honestly tell me that you're willing to miss a perfect opportunity to enjoy their local club here. Like, Dude! What's so bad about stopping by for a drink or two?" Anntonia insisted the idea when they passed by a lively open bar slash club somewhere on their way to the port.

Michelle looked over at the woman and sighed, trying to pocket her annoyance because she was already looking forward to have a little eye rest when they get to the ferry. She'd been driving for a while now and she's tired.

"But Toowns, we can't stop every hour or we'll never make it to Iloilo. Not you saying, you want to pee every 10 minutes, you want to buy this and that in every 7/11, asking to stop when you see a cute puppy and babies. At this rate it'll be my 40th birthday before we even get close to our destination."

"Whatever, buzz killer. I think you're the one trying to make this a horrible experience. I mean, isn't that a road trip supposed to be? Enjoy everything you passed by? And God forbid, we actually have any fun on this stupid trip," Anntonia huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and pout like a 5 years old, ready to sulk. "You're like a grandma, only half as wrinkly and twice as grumpy. Hmp!"

The sight made Michelle smiled and sat back in the seat, her arms stretched out to the steering wheel. She thought about teasing Anntonia for a few more minutes but decided against it, taking a small turn towards the street where she could see flickering lights. And as soon as the woman's realized what she was doing, she heard her squealed in the seat next to her.

"Fine. You wanna go to the bar, we go in a bar then. But don't cry to me tomorrow morning when you're hung over and don't wanna get up or something," she said, poking Anntonia in the cheek.

"Oh whatever, Ms. MICHELLE DANIELA I Can Only Drink Five Beers and I'm Wasted DEE! I'm totally ahead of you in the drinking game, my friend," the woman teased, looking over at her and stick out her tongue.

That remarks, made Michelle's mouth fell open in disbelief.

"Five beers?! You've gotta be kidding me! That was that one time, Toowns, and I was sick!"

"Yeah, okay. It doesn't matter, anyway. I could drink you under the table and I'd probably still be better than you at being drunk. You're a shitty drunk and you cry too much. Such a baby." Anntonia said, nudging Michelle playfully.

"Why is it that you only remember my moments of weakness huh?" The latter asked, looking at her best friend and shaking her head. "I cried that one time because I was heart broken and you have to hold it over my head for the rest of my life?" Michelle defended herself, laying a valid reason but Anntonia just nodded and laughed.

"Because that's what best friends are for, Daniela."


The bar was packed and Michelle barely had room to hold her beer in front of her as she maneuvered through the crowd, looking for Anntonia. They were only supposed to stop in for a few drinks, but she was already on her third bottle and her best friend was nowhere in sight, obviously not ready to leave.

"Dani Boo! I've been looking for you!" Anntonia shouted over the music flooding the place, smiling brightly. "Let's dance!" Then she held her arm out to Michelle and the latter had no choice but to take it, following her to the jammed floor. She saw her cringed as they brushed against a huge man in a leather jacket and tried to apologize, but she had already drug her halfway to the other side of the place before she could even open her mouth.

"Toowns! Slow down, don't drag me!" Michelle said in a shout, pulling the drink from Anntonia's hand and sniffing it. "What is this mess?" She asked with grimace, handing the drink back to the woman after taking a sip. "It tastes like buffalo piss."

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