04|| Thinking about her

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It was a slow class that morning

Charms was a favourite class of Y/n's, but the professor was absent and a random man had been subbing in, so it was practically a free class in the eyes of the students

They weren't wrong though, the professor had been asleep five minutes into the class, so everyone had been doing their own thing

Y/n deciding to follow in her professor's steps had nestled her head in her arms, lying on her desk peacefully. She knew that it wouldn't be likely for her to fall asleep, but resting her eyes for a bit couldn't hurt

While she was in her own little world, she thought to herself. Although it was only her second day at Hogwarts, a lot had happened. She met Pansy who became her first friend at Hogwarts, and then went on to encounter a peculiar redhead who criticized her drawing. The following day she met a dark haired Slytherin who scared her a bit, but that was in the process of getting a little better. After that she met Hermione while looking for c/n, and then went on to have lunch with Pansy who went with her to Care of Magical Creatures, where she took a blonde haired boy to the hospital because he got 'practically murdered' by a hippogriff

'1..2..3..4..5!' Y/n gasped in shock as she counted in her head, '5 people! I talked to 5 people yesterday! That's 5 more than I usually do!' 

'but... h-how is that possible?! I've never had people talk to me before.. I know I said I wanted to be more social, but...' The h/c haired girl sighed, 'just because I want to talk to more people, doesn't mean that my social skills magically get better, and it doesn't make me any less awkward.. not to mention, how many times did I pass out yesterday?' Y/n deflated as she recalled the number, 

'I'd rather not think about it (¬_¬;)'

'oh well, maybe it's just some sort of one time free trial the gods put me on after hearing my wish, and everything will go back to normal starting today,' Y/n lifted her head enough for her eyes to peek out from under her arms and looked around the classroom. Everyone had been doing their own thing; talking to friends, reading a book, some of them even watching tik tok on the latest muggle phone

' just a one time thing... huh?'

The quiet screeching of a chair being pulled cut through the silence, 

"Oi Sleepyhead, I thought I told you to quit sleeping during class?"

Y/n jolted up and turned to look at the owner of the voice, seeing a familiar dark haired Slytherin sitting beside her nonchalantly

Her face slowly turned from surprise to a lighthearted smile,

'So it's not a one time thing :D!'

Theo looked off to the side, avoiding eye contact, 'why the hell is she looking at me like that..'

To be frank, it wasn't like he was trying to get close to her or something. But, everyone else seemed rather boring at the moment, and she may have caught his interest, just a little bit

"Well?" he mused as he lazed his elbows on the table, looking at the e/c eyed girl

"I-I was just um, resting my eyes.. ahahahaha...ha.." Y/n shrunk away as the boy stared at her with narrowed eyes, not believing her excuse one bit

"Uh huh.. sure," He said completely unconvinced, his eyes wandering around the table to the book that was placed in front of the girl, 

"you like to read?"

He internally winced at his tone. Although Theo didn't mean to say it in a rude way, it sort of came out by a force of habit. It wasn't like he was judging her for he was quite the bookworm himself, so he silently hoped she wouldn't get the wrong idea

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