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Haydn's POV
We went in and I no longer had a good feeling.
Leah: "Do we want to go to Beth?"
Haydn: "yeah"
We went to a table where Beth was sitting with a few strangers.
Beth: "How tf did you manage to bring Mrs. Boring with you?"
I rolled my eyes.
There were women everywhere. Men everywhere.
Haydn: "I have to disappoint you, but she has a girlfriend"
I said to the group to remind Beth of Viv cause she sits there with at least 5 women... 5 strangers.
???:,,do you have one?"
someone asked me
Haydn: "Yeah happily married but the one next to me is single"
I said and patted Leah's shoulder and left.
I walked to the bar and got myself some water.
I scrolled through my phone until someone came next to me.
Leah: "Happily married then?"
Haydn: "absolutely"
Leah: "Good trick, I'll remember"
I turned off my phone and took a sip of my water.
Leah: "You're drinking water at a party?"
Haydn: "Do you want to fill me up?"
I asked, laughing.
Leah: "Not really"
Haydn: "Ouch"
Leah: "just joking"
Suddenly someone sat down next to Leah.
???:,,Hey, I noticed you and I finally found the courage to talk to you"
Leah: "That's cute, what's your name?"
I quietly got up and left. I don't think she even noticed.
I went out and sat on a bench.
After 1 hour Beth came out.
Beth: "Hey, what are you doing here?"
Haydn: "I could ask you the same thing"
Beth: "I just wanted to get some fresh air, how about you?"
Haydn: "Too many people for me"
Beth: "I saw you, are you already keeping your eye on our skipper?"
Haydn: ,,Leah? No, she flirted with someone earlier, I'm not in her field of vision."
Beth: "That wasn't a no"
Haydn: "I'm still attached to Leyla, you know that"
Beth: "Dude, she's has a boyfriend for 3 years now, it's time to move on, don't you think?"
Haydn: "Nahhhh I'll wait"
Beth: "Nothing will change how she feels, if you wait."
Haydn: "It doesn't matter, I wait"
Beth: "Leah is a good person Haydn..."
Haydn: "That's why we're good Friends...or will be...or whatever"
Beth: "Whatever you mean"
Haydn: "Dude, I've known her for a day, should I make out with her now?"
Beth: "For example"
Haydn: "Oh God"
After 30 seconds of silence, I finally took the chance to talk to someone about it.
Haydn: "She wrote me"
Beth: "Who?"
Haydn: "Leyla"
Beth: "Please what?"
Haydn: "She misses me"
Beth: "No way she misses taking advantage of you please tell me you didn't write anything on it"
Haydn: "Chill mate, I didn't write anything back"
Beth: "I'll get you someone new, come with me"
she said, taking me by the hand and dragging me through the club.
She stopped in front of the one from before.
the one that thought I was married.
Beth: "she's not married chill"
???:,,mmh I see...Good trick"
Haydn: "Nice to meet you"
Ana: "Hey my name is Ana"
Great, she has the same name as my mother, it can't get any worse.
I looked at Beth and she gave me the 'don't screw it up' look.
I'll skip the boring part.
Beth left and I kept telling Ana about Leyla.
She laughed often. She had a nice laugh, I have to admit.
After an hour Beth came with Leah and Katie.
Viv hates parties which is why she doesn't attend them.
I understand her.
Beth: "Sorry to bother but we're leaving now"
Haydn: "finally dude"
Ana:,,Hey! I take that as an insult"
Haydn: "I'm just joking bye"
As we walked, she called after me.
Ana: "Little tip for next time:stop talking about your ex"
I just laughed and Beth looked at me.
Beth: "Dude, you did what?"
Haydn: "I told you I don't want to meet anyone new"
Katie: "ughhh sounds very romantic"
Beth: "It's not, she's just stupid"
Haydn: "Dude im telling you, she still has feelings for me."
Beth: "God no, don't be so stupid"
Leah was quiet the whole time.
Katie: "Why did you break up?"
Beth: "They were never together, that's just Haydn's romantic delusional ass"
Haydn: "nahhh in another universe we are married in Barcelona watching the sunrise at the beach while listening to jazz"
Beth: "You don't even want to get married"
Haydn: "just with her"
Katie: "Oh God, a hopelessly romantic case, only one thing can help."
Haydn: "Kidnap her and force her to marry me?"
Katie: "Falling in love with someone new, with someone better"
This went on the whole way home.
Haydn: "Okay, different topic. Do I have to sleep on the floor today?"
Beth: "You have three options. Number 1 you sleep by me and viv"
Haydn: "God, that's worse than a party"
Beth: "Number two, you're sleeping by Katie"
Katie: "no chance Caitlin is coming today"
Haydn: "Then it will probably be the floor"
Leah: "You can sleep by me"
That's gonna be a long night.
Haydn: "I don't have to sleep on the floor thanks"
When we got home everyone went to their room including me and Leah.
She had a nice room.
I jumped on Leah's bed.
Haydn: "What a story...bumbed into you 8 hours ago and now I'm sleeping in your bed"
Leah: "mmh yeah're weird"
Haydn: "broooo nah, that hurt my not vulnerable feelings, I just wanted to say you're extremely nice"
I said and threw a pillow at her.
Leah: "Hey leave my beautiful pillow"
Haydn: "At least the pillow is beautiful right?"
She took the pillow and hit me with it.

Leah's POV
She didn't really say that right?
First I had to listen to her ex all the time and now this.
As much as I want to hate her right now, why can't I?
and damn she has really good hand placement.
I lay on top of her as i hit her with the pillow while she lightly touched my hips.
Haydn: "Dude won"
I didn't stop.
Just as I was about to strike, she took the pillow and turned so that she was now lying on top of me.
Haydn: "Eres hermosa, pero eres rubia"
She said laughing while got up.
Leah: "What did that mean?"
Haydn: "I don't know google"
Leah: "Of course you know, tell me"
Haydn: "What a shame for you...then you'll never find out"
Leah: "I hate you"
Haydn: "I can handle that"
Leah: "That was hard...then teach me Spanish?"
Haydn: "Deja de ser molesto"
Leah: "What does that mean?"
Haydn: "Stop annoying"
Leah: "fuck you"
Haydn: "Better tell me about your hot date today"
She asked and lay down on the bed next to me.
Leah: "She was nice"
Haydn: "That sounds...terrible"
Leah: "Yeah, it was...I was thinking about someone else the whole day"
Haydn: "uhhh a tragedy of unrequited love...Do you want to tell me who it is?"
Leah: "I'm not telling can google"
I said, imitating her.
She pushed me lightly.
Leah: "Better tell me what happened with you and your ex"
Haydn: "She's not my ex, I was just in love and thought she was too"
Haydn: "She has a boyfriend and they have been together for 3 years"
I had a fit of laughter.
Leah: "God haydn"
Haydn: "Hey! stop laughing"
She looked at me with those golden brown eyes.
There was a spark...and a 2000 least for me.
This eye contact impressed me.
Haydn: "Are you still alive?"
Leah: "yeah...yeah I am"
Haydn: "You have beautiful eyes you know that"
Leah: "Thank you"
Thank you? Really?...I couldn't think of anything better, am I serious?
Haydn: "Aún así eres rubia"
She said in a murmur
Leah: "Can you please stop speaking Spanish, I don't understand a word"
Haydn: "That's the good thing about it"

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