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Haydn's Pov

I woke up.
Leah's hand was over my stomach and I slowly put her hand down so she doesn't wake up.
I walked out.
Beth sat at the table and looked at me with huge and open blue eyes.
,,Are you all right?"
She asks
"What, of course...Why?"
"It's 7 in the morning"
"mmh couldn't sleep well"
,,is there a reason for that?"
I walked to the coffee machine and made myself a coffee.
"A lot of thinking lately, I guess"
"You okay?"
"will be"
"You can talk to me about it"
"I know, don't be dramatic, I won't die."
,,How do you know that?"
I just laughed.
I took my coffee and sat down in another room.
Beth in the morning is way too...energetic.
I then went back to the kitchen.
"Can I sleep at your room for a moment?"
I asked Beth.
,,yeah of course.....did something happen to you and leah? Why don't you sleep by her?"
Actually nothing happened...
But I won't ruin my career for a stupid crush.
There is no crush.
Just Leah.
I don't want to feel anything when I look at her.
Sleeping in her bed makes everything 20 times worse.
I have to ignore the feeling before I can no longer control the feeling.
,,nothing has happened. I'm just tired and Leah's bed is uncomfortable."
She just nodded and I went to her room and slept.
When I woke up it felt like I had been asleep for centuries.
I walked out and everyone was sitting at the table.
"Man good timing, we have training in 1 hour...get ready"
Said Beth.
My plan is working.
I ignore Leah pretty good.
I'm not mad at her or anything, I just don't actively talk to her.
"Today. Club. No excuses."
Beth said, banging on the table.
We all looked at her.
Yeah...of course we had no right to say anything against it.
Beth has the say, and as soon as Beth says something it is done.
And so I found myself in a club again.
At the bar with water in hand.
Until Leah sat next to me.
"Water again?"
"mmh you should try it out too"
She laughed.
"No chance...let's have a drink together"
"Mmh...I'd rather drink alone, thanks"
I said.
"Don't be an asshole and have a drink with me-"
Katie shouted loudly through the club.
"Come on, our chance"
Leah said and stood up, pulling me with her.
"I'm bad at this game"
"I know...that's the good thing about it"
She said and looked deep into my eyes
Man, I was definitely too bad at it.
I drank and drank and drank.
I wasn't completely drunk but definitely not in a state to think clearly.
Neither did Leah, but she drank worlds less than me.
We drove home and everyone went to their rooms.
I said and threw myself on Leahs bed.
She lay down next to me and looked at me.
After a while I looked at her too.
Just do it.
Do it. Do it. Do it.
It wasn't even about it being Leah.
Fighting against it was a fight against the whole world.
We looked at each other the whole time until she looked at my lips and then back into my eyes.
She definitely knows how to do it.
,,What are you doing?"
I whispered, giving in.
I gave in.
I took her face and it just happened.
I did not want that.

Leah's POV
She drank too much.
Definitely too much.
But when she looked at me with those eyes...
Her eyes no longer looked gentle, they looked dangerously hungry.
And then I looked at her lips and for a moment I imagined what it would be like...
How can a person look so perfect?
She said something but my thoughts were completely somewhere else.
Until she took my face and kissed me.
She kissed me.
SHE kissed ME.
You could taste the alcohol and I felt defenseless.
I was lost in that moment.
But it wasn't a kiss full of love, it was pure passion.
She just wanted to. With no matter who.
Unfortunately, I only realized this later.
She kissed my neck and how can anyone say anything against that?
I couldn't stand those magical lips again.
Her hands then moved to my lower back.
,,you're drunk"
I said out of breath.
She looked at me.
,,I don't care"
And kissed me again.
I enjoyed it one last time but had to do what was right.
"But I care "
She looked briefly at my lips and then into my eyes.
"But that wouldn't be a no if I were sober, right?"
"Watch your ego grows"
I answered.
Please give me those lips back.
I regretted it at that moment but it was the right thing.
She was a good kisser.
I'm not kidding, she knows how to do it.
„I don't think I'll remember anything tomorrow."
She said.
,,I hope"
I whispered.

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