You're mine

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Haydn's Pov
I feel so weird man.
Like...I should concentrate on football right?
I woke up and Leah wasn't there like yesterday.
Luckily for me.
Today I only feel guilt and shame instead of love.
Leah is just...a teammate.
I could have something with any woman without getting feelings...
I have to prove this to myself.
I got dressed and then went over to Beth.
she opened the door for me.
I saw Leah in the background but spoke quietly to Beth.
"Interesting...I'll put my shoes on."
She then went to get her shoes and I saw Viv, Katie, Caitlin, Alessia and the devil.
I said smiling to the group.
"Are you stealing my girlfriend now?"
viv said to which I just laughed.
"no chance against you"
"Okay, I'm ready"
Beth said.
"Soooo. What's up"
"We're going to party together today."
I said.
,, A party?"
She looked at me strangely.
,,and why"
I smiled at her.
"I'm done with the whole romantic waiting game and tragic unrequited love."
"No way...Am I dreaming?"
I laughed.
,,and why?"
"I have no idea, I think I've realized that Leyla won't come back no matter how long I wait."
She jumped on my back excitedly.
"My player is born again"
"Okay, don't overdo it..."
We talked for a while and then went back.
We have two more training sessions today and I said goodbye to Beth and went back to my room.
I was hoping Leah wasn't in there but my hopes weren't answered.
she said to me.
I answer.
"Did you tell Beth anything about us?"
,,us? chill leah no. There's nothing to tell mate"
She nodded and uttered a quiet
Okay, I admit that was pretty direct.
Leah got up and wanted to go out.
,,where are you going?"
I asked but got no answer.
and then the door was already closed.
I told you that was a mistake.

Leah's POV
How could I be so naive and stupid?
Of course none of this meant anything to her.
I feel so stupid.
And I hate that it doesn't change the fact that I'm still in love.
She made me feel like a fool.
I could hate her right now, but actually I just hate myself right now.
How could I be so blind?
I'm going straight to Lia.
I told her everything earlier.
But completely blinded by love.
,,kill me"
I said as she opened the door.
,,what why?"
I walked into her room and lay down in her bed.
"I take it all back, I hate her"
"Chill out, what happened"
"She said there was no us and that I should chill MATE"
There was a moment of silence and she took a chair and sat down.
"Leah...she's not wrong"
,,Are you serious? She kisses me all the time and now there is no us? She did it all the time, all that stupid flirting with her eyes and all that shit, not me."
"Even though I never expected this from Haydn, I think she just wants to have someone she can let it all out on."
"No, that's not Haydn, she wouldn't do that"
"She already has. Just ignore her. Over time the feelings go away."
"Okay, distract me...let's do something."
"wanna grab a coffee before training?"

Haydns POV

We had training and playing against an aggressive Leah is not cool.
I talked to Beth for a moment and saw Leah walking in front of us.
"Hey Williamson.Wait for me"
I said and she just kept walking.
"She's in a bad mood, right?"
Beth said.
"I don't know, see you later"
I jogged to Leah.
"Not very friendly"
"You don't deserve it either"
"Okay, what's wrong with you, mate?"
"Mate? Do you kiss all of your mates?"
she answered.
"haven't tried it yet"
I said smiling.
"I'm tired of your mood changes Haydn"
I looked at her.
"Change in mood?"
I asked.
"You kiss me and then call me your 'mate'. You act so sweet and gentle and in the next moment you ignore me"
"Okay, okay look. I do not want a relationship"
"Then why this hope?"
I looked up and thought.
There was silence.
"Will I get an answer?"
Leah said.
"Let's have something without feelings"
I said randomly.
"Without feelings, you'll have no hope"
"Okay, okay... I don't think you can think properly anymore"
We were now in front of our door and she opened the door with our room card.
We walked in and I held her.
She turned around and spoke, laughing.
"I certainly won't be your fuck buddy just because you're too lonely."
"Stop leah...hear me out. No feelings. You'll get over Jordan and-."
"We are teammates"
She said, interrupting my sentence.
"We were teammates yesterday too and we kissed."
"What would be in it for you?"
I answered directly.

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