Chapter Twenty-Four

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With too much on her mind to just sit and think, Kaia wound her way up back to the Houses of Healing, where she found Éowyn out on one of the terraces.

"Did you find your brother alive and well?"

Éowyn's smile was almost as bright as the sun now breaking through the thick layer of iron gray clouds. "I did. He assured me he is fine and in one piece and then promptly left."

Kaia knew this of course, but all she said was, "Hopefully it won't be for long."

"I hope not. But..." She turned back toward the east. "Well... I imagine you understand."

Kaia glanced down at the slender gold ring on her left ring finger and rubbed her thumb along it. It still felt heavy, but not quite as heavy as it did yesterday. "I do."

The clouds bested the sun and swallowed the brilliant light once more and gloom spilled across the land, bringing with it a heavy dampness to the air. A chill breeze wafted across the stone terrace, the cold sinking into Kaia, who wrapped her arms about herself as a shiver set in.

"I look so forward to the spring, to the warm weather," Éowyn said as she moved closer to Kaia, near the low stone wall ringing the terrace. "I miss the sun."

"Hopefully it won't be long. It seems as if winter has lasted forever already."

"It does, doesn't it?"

Both she and Éowyn jumped at Faramir's soft, yet unexpected words and he offered up a slight smile as he stepped between them. "I apologize for startling either of you."

"You need a bell about your neck," Kaia told him. Then she looked from him to Éowyn. "Have you met yet?"

Éowyn shook her head. "We've not, no."

"Faramir," Kaia smiled up at him, "this is Éowyn of Rohan. Éowyn, my brother-in-law, Faramir of Gondor."

Faramir's eyes widened. "Brother-in-law?"

"Oh, did Boromir not tell you?"

"He did not. I would not forget such a thing. When did this happen?"

She smiled. "Last eve. You both are the first to know, aside from the magistrate who performed the ceremony and Gandalf, who was our witness."

"That's wonderful news to hear, and I promise, I will only chide him about it a little." Faramir bent to brush her cheek with a kiss. "And I am thrilled for you both."

"It is wonderful news, indeed," Éowyn told her, gazing up at Faramir before meeting Kaia's eyes. "A bit of brightness to cut through the darkness."

"It won't remain dark forever. Nor will it remain cold and dreary. Spring will be here before any of us realize it." Faramir turned toward Éowyn. "You will see."

Kaia wondered if they felt the spark that she saw between them, and smiled as Faramir's gaze lingered on Éowyn. Perhaps there was to be a little more brightness in the days ahead for them as well.

Without thinking, she let her hand slip down along her stomach. Like Boromir, she often thought she would feel the telltale bump, only to chide herself for her foolishness. She had several months to go before anyone would be able to tell she was pregnant, but she also thought it was very likely Boromir would notice it before anyone. After all, no one knew her body the way he did.

With that, she turned her attention back to the horizon, where she could just make out the small dots that were most likely Boromir and the others. She swallowed hard at the sight, her breath hitching as an unexpected lump rose in her throat and a tears stung her eyes.

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