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Third POV
It was quiet the night it happened.

Almost quiet at least...

It was 1700, and the British colony was once again locked up in the dungeon. It was not an unusual thing to see the colony there, he had rebelled against Great Britain a lot. The end result was always the same though, he'd end up chained in the dungeon.

This night was different though. Instead of the territory attempting to yell at his father through the bars, as he did every other night, he was silent. Silent enough that the guards could hear a scratching noise.

They, of course, chalked it up to being just the wind. Then they started to realize that the noise was only coming from one cell. The only cell that had someone in it. As they made this realization they started to listen closer, and as they did, they realized that the scratching sound was coming from skin.

They looked into the British colony's cell and soon made faces of horror. It was not the wind, it was not even the prisoner scratching a bug bite.

The British colony had clawed his eyes out...before he passed out, he smiled up to the direction he heard the guards move to.

"I'm finally free from his cold eyes..!"

America woke up from his dream in a cold sweat. As he looks to his right he sighs in annoyance. 4:37 am, he felt the brail numbers inform him, he woke up too early again. The independent country gets out of bed and makes his way down the hall, into the bathroom to take a shower. He starts to think about the dream he had.

All of those events happened years ago, to the point most of his citizens forgot about the cruelty they faced. Ame always tried to forgive the UK, but couldn't quite get over the past.

He got out of the shower, dried himself off, and swiped the mirror to look in it. The American usually hates feeling his scars, but he was too spaced out to care for his habits. He felt, recognized, and remembered each scar on his torso.

Then his hands made it up to his face, although he clawed his eyes out, he can still technically see. Due to him being an organism that defies the laws of nature, it wasn't really out of the ordinary that he had no eyes but still had the ability to mildly see. Sadly though, his eyesight was too blurry to function. So he couldn't get glasses, but he managed well enough on his own.

He slowly and carefully made his way down the stares of his home, he was confident about the entire layout of his house unless he ran into the stares. He didn't even know why he thought it would be a good idea to buy a house with stairs as a blind person.

When he finally reached the bottom of the stairs, he made his way over to his kitchen, in his medicine cabinet. He had his meds specifically set up, so then he wouldn't accidentally take the wrong medication.

Ame used to have government agents help him with his daily tasks, but kicked them out when they started bothering him too much in the morning. So he hired a sweet woman named Maddie to take care of his house and states every midday and night.

He pays Maddie $70.56 an hour, for her to just be there 24/7 on the clock, and she lives there rent free. So she doesn't really complain against him.

Ame made coffee for both of the residents in the house, and navigated his way to his office. The former colony sat at his desk and started going through paperwork. The papers were specially printed for the blind country, they were in brail and double spaced so he wouldn't get confused.

Ame didn't have much paperwork to do today, because he did most of it yesterday.

He finished his paperwork at 7:49 am, and was thinking of what he should do for the rest of the day. An idea popped into his head when he heard Maddie walk past his office to the kitchen, most likely to get coffee. Ame made his way out of his office and back to the kitchen to ask Maddie something.

"Good morning, Maddie." Ame adressed her in a sing song tone. She looked over to him with a blank face. Maddie was a morning person, but since she lived with Ame, she had gotten used to the silent mornings. In other words, this was a very new sight to see and hear. She responded with a calm tone, "You're up early. What did you need?" Ame smiled at her, "I wasn't able to sleep much so I got my paperwork done. And I was wondering if you had anything fun that you do, before you deal with the house...?" Ame responded to her question nervously. He doesn't want to intrude on her fun, but he has nothing to do.

Maddie stared at him in slight surprise, he's usually too busy to spend free time. After thirty seconds of silence, she responds, "I normally spend time with the states in the morning."

The United States eyes light up at this response, he loves his states. He hasn't been able to spend much time with them recently due to work, so this could be a good time to relax and spend time with his animals.

He smiled softly and thanked her, then headed towards where he keeps his states.

He carefully made his way up the stairs and to the big balcony with a ginormous glass dome on it. He walked into the dome and smiled once again. Although he couldn't see the states well at all, he could still hear them. They sounded so happy to see him. He felt around the area he was standing and sat down. Although he couldn't visually see which state had landed on his head, he could tell which state was which by their personalities. So the bird on his head was California, he could tell by how gentle but dramatic the landing was.

Although he never understood what the states would be talking to Him about, he would still listen intently as they chirped on.

Ame spent the whole day in there as the states would fly down and land on, or around him, and chirp happily as he talked to them and they chirped back to him.

As night came though, the American made his way back to his room. Taking a melatonin, and falling asleep thinking about how wonderful his day was today.

So this is more a chapter explaining how he gets through life as a blind dude. And it's also to get y'all to see some more info, like how he acts at home, and you're gonna see how he acts at work. I don't know if all of you caught on, but the states are the states' birds, the only thing that really separates them visually is that the state flag that shows on the underside of their wings.

I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter, and y'all have a wonderful day/night!

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