Chapter 1

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Third POV

The U.S. was awoken from his sleep to a tall lanky Canadian dog piling onto his stomach. The American yelped in pain and shock, then started shouting profanities at his brother, telling him to get off.

Canada laughed as he got up from the dog pile, then another voice came from the opposite side of the room. "You should have seen your face, mate!" Australia chuckled. Ame's response to this was a smirk, Australia always spoke before thinking. As the Aussie finally realized what he said, he turned into a stuttering mess, eventually just mumbling an apology.

Ame sat up in his bed responding to the countries' presence, "So what are all of you doing here? I know y'all love my beautiful, nay, wonderful home. But that's no reason to intrude." He said, grabbing his sunglasses on the nightstand.

Ame was all about confidence, he believed that it's what makes a person attractive, so he must be "hot AF". But his confidence dropped when his eyes were brought into the picture. France fell into a miniature depression when he lost his eyes. His family complained that his eyes were so beautiful, and he shouldn't have done what he did. So he grew to be ashamed of his lack of eyes. He started wearing sunglasses, to protect himself from the shame that they brought.

A snapping noise next to him brought him back to reality, he hummed in response. The Canadian clarified what they were saying, "As Aussie said, we have a meeting soon. So we were planning to go out to eat, as a family." Ame huffed, standing up and heading over to his closet.

He felt out the fabrics until he landed on a short-sleeve turtleneck which he could recognize as black, it was a very dark black so it was easy.

"I don't really wanna go, so y'all can go without me," He continued with fake cheer and a smirk. Never once losing his facade of confidence. "I'll just head to the meeting when it starts."

New Zealand finally spoke up, "You are always late to those meetings, but if you came with us you would be on time for at least one." Ame looked in his closet once again, but for a blazer this time. He asked what color the blazer in his hand was and was told that it was light blue. He decided to wear that with the turtleneck underneath. Now he had to find pants, he made his way over to the dresser and opened his "light pants" drawer he then felt for something similar to the blazer. Eventually finding the pants that came in a set with the blazer.

"I'll go, but don't expect me to be kind towards your father." He stated, walking to the bathroom to change. His brothers looked at each other of concern and annoyance towards the American, they knew how icy the UK and U.S. were towards each other. They were on a need-to-know basis, and stayed like that since the world wars.

Ame got changed, and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. His brothers followed him the whole way, offering to help every second. Ame told them to stop pestering him, then proceeded to make his coffee. He appreciates his brothers' help, but at some point he starts feeling like they don't believe he can survive on his own. These are very frustrating thoughts that that often hurt his pride, so he turns their help down every time they offer.

When his coffee is finally made, he pours himself a cup. Ame then turns to his brothers and leans on the counter, taking large gulps of his coffee. He pauses in his obsessive drinking fit and looks at Canada, "So where are we eating? Do you guys need a ride or anything?" He spoke with a coffee-stash filled smirk, making the Canadian cringe. "We were thinking of going to McDonald's, dad surprisingly agreed to it." As the red and white country finished his sentence, they watched in amusement as Ame fell into a coughing fit.

"He agreed?" He questioned with a croaky voice from his previous coughing fit. This may not seem as big of a deal to most, but to ame, this was BIG. The UK never liked Ame's fast food restaurants. He always complains about how fat ame will, or has been getting from eating at them.

They nodded their heads as they watched ame get off the counter, clean his face, and head over to the medicine cabinet. After taking his meds, he headed over to the entrance of the house, where he kept his keys and shoes. He added his last accessories and headed out the door. His car was self-driving, so he technically was not going against the law, but Canada still took the key away from him anyway. Ame got in the passenger seat, Aussie was behind him, and kiwi behind Canada.

They pulled out of the driveway, and started heading to the fast food building.

Once they made it there and parked, they took notice of France and UK's rental parked in front of the restaurant.

The American has never been this nervous to go into a McDonald's. His palms were sweaty and his heartbeat was really fast, but still managed to keep his smirk and a stable stance. He offered to pay for food, and took everyone's orders.

After paying he hugged and greeted his mother, France, and shook hands with the former colonizer. Then sat down with the family, sitting across from the UK.

They all had fairly decent conversations, mainly about trades, the weather, and updates on life. It was pretty boring, but ame preferred it over an argument.

They all finished their food, and said their momentary goodbyes until they saw the other. All of the countries then headed to their vehicles, then the meeting building.

It felt almost illegal to show up to the meeting on time, almost every country looked at him in shock. Other than the ones who saw the countries he came with. He sat down in his seat and laid his head on his arms. They weren't talking about anything that his citizens haven't already thrown a riot about. More specifically they're taking about the climate change stuff. There have been a bunch of different meetings throughout last and this year about this topic. In other words, it's been two years, they've come up with no true solutions, so there is no point in him being here in his opinion.

So why not take a nap? At this thought, the American drifted off to sleep.

This is the end of this chapter, I'm a lazy creature. So I hope you people liked it. Y'all have a wonderful day/night, and HAPPY NEW YEARS!! 🥳🥳🥳

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