Chapter 4

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Third POV

The U.S. was very offended to wake up to his alarm going off at 6:02 am. Leading to his actions of grumbling as he got out of bed, and stomping over to his bathroom to take a shower.

Only when he made it to the shower, he remembered his upgrade in vision. Then made a very happy squealing noise.

He got out of the shower and made his way over to his closet, to look for clothing for the meeting.

He wasn't sure how serious the meeting was going to be, so he went with a default outfit. A black turtle neck, skinny jeans, a silver dog tag necklace, with a camouflage green jacket having fur outline the trim of the hood.

Proud of his outfit he headed down stairs, making his way over to the kitchen. He made coffee, took meds, and spent time with his birds.

When he saw Maddie he ran up to her and bragged about his new ability to see, but paused when she looked at him with a terrified expression. He asked "what's wrong" and she responded, "You- your eyes are pitch black, are you ok?" Ame stared at her with a blank expression. He told her he was ok, and headed upstairs to get his sunglasses.

He had hoped that with his healed scars and new eyes, that he would be able to abandon them, but that apparently wasn't in the books right now.

Grabbing his glasses and putting them on, he headed back downstairs for his coffee. Maddie apologized for her behavior, as Ame calmly walked past her to his medicine cabinet.

The former colony took his medication, then headed out the front door to his car.

He had already packed for his trip to England, and left it in the car so then he wouldn't have to grab stuff on his way out. Now all has to do is drive to the military base, they give him free rides in a private jet, so they are his main go-to.

Upon arrival to the base a soldier came out, offering to park his car. He happily gave them the keys, thanked them and went on his way.

Once making it through security, he made his way over to the hangars. To wait for and meet his pilot. They usually remind him of safety procedures whenever he's on the plane, mainly because he's impulsive and forgets the rules.

The pilot made his way onto the plane shortly after the country. He introduced himself and continued to tell ame the instructions and safety procedures of the plane.

Throughout the whole flight Ame and the pilot talked about life, joked around, and spoke about politics. Ame didn't really care to talk about politics because it usually leads to aggression. So he stayed mostly silent when the topic was brought up, only humming and nodding in acknowledgement of what the man was saying. Ame was able to get the man off the topic with a question about a button, the rest of the time was passed with them talking about controls, ame fell asleep mid conversation at some point and was told to take a nap due to the fact that it was gonna be a while before they would get there.


The American country was later woken up by the pilot flicking his forehead, telling him that they have arrived.

Ame got all of his luggage, and waited at the way front of the base for Canada to pick him up. It didn't take long for Canada to arrive.

They drove to Ame's apartment complex where Canada dropped him off, the American's little brother had a lot on his plate so he didn't really have time to help ame get settled in. Although, they did have a small nice conversation before he said goodbye and drove off.

Ame brought his stuff into the apartment complex, checked in, and headed towards his temporary home.

He took a shower, got dressed in pajamas, and laid down on his bed to watch TV dramas.

Soon enough, he drifted off to sleep, he needed as much rest as he can get before the meetings. The first one of many would be in a few hours. He could make it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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