Chapter 2

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Third POV

The former colony woke up from his nap, to see a hand reaching towards his face. Ame jumped back in response, falling out of his chair as a result. He then scooted further away, into a corner as he started to hyperventilate.

To be honest, the hand isn't really what scared him. The hand only surprised him, what scared him is that it was the only clear thing in the room. Then these sharp eyes opened, they were everywhere they even reached up to the ceiling. All of the eyes were staring at him, as they watched him attempt to get away from the hand that was now slithering in his direction.

Just as the hand made it to ame, he was shaken out of his trance. Everything was blurry and dark again, to Ames relief.

The only thing that the American was able to communicate was his need to find the bathroom. As his savior helped him down the hall to the bathroom, Ame felt something wet fall out of his eyes. Panic washed over him as he found a stall a crouched infront of the toilet. He hurrydly takes off his sunglasses, and leans his head over the toilet bowl. He closed his eyes and cried when the nausea hit him once again, as he vomited his breakfast into the toilet.

He finally finished and wiped his chin with toilet paper, as it was the closest thing to him. He stood up, flushing the toilet in disgust of the most recent events that have happened. He wiped the tears from his face, and walked out of the stall.

He called out to the person who helped him, to see if they were still there. They responded, and walked over to him. He thanked them for their help, they, of course said "you're welcome".

Ame couldn't quite place who this was, he could only hope that it wasn't someone he was against helping him. Fate was not on his side, the person started to speak again, "Although I did not mind helping you. You should be cautious of your mental health, before you show up to a building full of many enemies. You could have been harmed." Shit, it was UN.

UN was a very kind organization, and they were always concerned for every countries' health. Though they weren't much of a fan of the American's approach to his situation, so they always checked up on him and scolded him about needing to be healthier.

"Is your medication not helping? If not, I can have a doctor give you a new prescription. We need you to be at your best in these meetings, your insight is very helpful when you aren't fighting anyone." UN spoke as softly as possible, to avoid angring the former colony.

Ame just rolled his eyes and shook his head. He hated getting new medication, especially when he only had ONE schizophrenic meltdown that entire year. And it was pretty tamed compared to the rest of them. Ame put on a fake smile, thanked UN once again, and headed out the front of the building.

He sat in the passenger side of his car and waited for his brothers to finish with the meeting. To say the American was embarrassed would be a massive understatement. He just wanted to go home to his states and cry. For now though, he locked his car with him inside. Attempting to retry on the nap.

The American's brothers soon left the building and saw their brother passed out in the car. They all decided to leave him be as they drove to his house.

This is short and I'm sorry. I'm trying to lead up to the climax as smoothly as possible, but I'm not creative enough. So I'm to be dragging this story on for a little while. Once again, sorry for the short chapter. Have a wonderful day/night, goodbye!

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