Chapter 3

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Third POV

It's been a week since the meeting, and now the American was at an eye doctor. He found it funny that the ophthalmologist was still trying to get his eyesight back. Ame sat still as the man measured the size of his eyes...? He was deciding not to question it unless he got hurt.

The eye doctor finally spoke to him, "I have good news for you! At least I hope you see it as good news." he spoke cheerfully, yet nervously. This statement piqued Ame's interest, usually these appointments would all end the same, the doc would say he was blind and they went on with their days'.

All Ame could respond with was a hum of interest. "I've been working with scientists, who have worked with me to develop a technology that will *hopefully* give you your eyesight back!" Ame listened as the doctor got more and more excited to share the good news. Ame heard the office door open and close, the scientist introduced themself, and proceeded to describe the newly created technology.

"This device -or rather- these devices are made to be replicas of your old eyes. We need to connect wires that are sensitive and small enough to trick your nerves into recognizing them as real nerves and veins. Basically we need to connect wires to your veins and nerves, and you could possibly lose your life, get seriously injured, or be able to see again.." The scientist was quick to say the last part, as in hopes the American wouldn't hear.

Ame caught onto this quick statement anyway, but being desperate, he agreed to the surgery. So they brought the brail version of the contract, and Ame signed it. The only thing going through his head was the hope that he'll be able to see again.

They lead him to a surgeon's room and help Ame find the surgery bed. Once sitting down, Ame listened nervously as they set up their supplies. He jumped when he felt an anesthesia mask be put on his face. He started to count backwards from 1,000, and was knocked out.


Ame awakened to darkness, he was scared at first. But relaxed when he remembered that they would need to bandage his eyes, to avoid any possible issues that could cause a traumatic infection. He heard two voices on both sides of him.

"Did it go well?" He asked with a slight smirk. There was silence for a second but the eye doctor eventually spoke up, "America! I'm so glad to see that you're awake!" He  spoke excitedly, he was practically bouncing off of the walls in anticipation. 

The surgeon answered, "As for your question, we are about to find out." The surgeon finished the sentence as they reached to take off Ame's blindfolds, "Ready?" They ask, ame nods in response. The blindfold is finally removed from his eyes. Ame slowly opens his eyes and tries to get used to the light.

Once he successfully gets used to the light, he opens his eyes fully. The surgeon and eye doctor gasp, they're black. Ame gasps and cries in happiness as he realizes, he can see.

He then turns to his surgeon to thank them, but pauses when he sees their reaction to his eyes. They made an expression of disappointment. He then turned to his eye doctor to see what was wrong, but he saw the man silently cry as he stared at Ame's eyes.

"I'm sorry it didn't work America, but I promise that I will not stop--" The eye doctor started and was stopped, mid sentence. "What the hell are you talking about, I can see now... I can finally see again!" Ame smiled at him, he then started to speak again, but was less upset, more concerned now. He said, "You might want to look in a mirror then..."

Ame did as told when he was given a hand mirror, and looked at his eyes in shock for a moment. They were black, like, black hole black.

He then snapped out of it and shrugged, he knew this would come with some sort of price. This was the least upsetting thing that could have happened to his eyes in his opinion.

He then made his way around the building, thanking everyone who was involved with getting him eyes and helping in his surgery. He made sure to give them all a $1,000 tip, and made his way out of the building.

He got in his car, and drove himself home for the first time ever. He smiled from ear to ear the whole way home.

Until he got a call from the UN, saying that they had two meetings next week. Back to back.

He groaned and whined about it the whole way home.

Once he reached his house, he greeted Maddie, told her his new schedule, and headed upstairs. He planned to get ready for his meeting tomorrow.

The meeting was apparently being held in England. He was reminded of his new upgrade in vision when he rolled his eyes.

There was so much that he wanted to see, and he now had the ability to see the ugly and the pretty of the world, for himself.

Content with these thoughts, the American fell asleep, needing rest for what was soon to come.

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