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Key Nineteen: Komui:

He's been missing for months. Heaven stopped looking for him. But they didn't forget about him. They just didn't speak his name. Some wouldn't even look at his office's closed door. But there was a hole in management. However, some were still looking.

So what happened to him? There are some clues if you pay attention. Starting with some dirt. Let me explain. On the day Komui was reported missing, there was a thin line of reddish-looking dirt on the floor. It's been tested in the lab.

"Brick dust?" Linda asked.

"Yes," Reeves said. The other angel looked confused.

"You're kidding," she said.

"I wish I was," he said. Another thought crossed his mind.

"What do you think this means?" Reeves asked. Linda cocked her head to the side.

"What are you getting at?" she asked. The other lab angel looked around for a moment. He leaned in close to her ear. Reeves only said one thing that gave her a new perceptive.

There are more clues. Some not so visible to the naked eye. Miranda already got the letter. She couldn't figure out who this was from. The German angel looked when she heard a knock on her door. Who was that at this hour? Miranda slowly walked over to the door and leaned in for a listen.

"Who is it?" she asked. There was no answer at first.

"Hello?" Miranda asked. Another knock slammed against the door. The German angel jumped back. She let out a loud gasp. More knocking came. Finally, Miranda opened the door. There was no one out there. The German angel looked around outside.

Am I going crazy?

That's when she looked down.

Six red roses were on the floor. Miranda looked confused.

"What is this?" she asked. A sinking feeling formed in the pit of her stomach.

Komui might have a chance to try and save himself. If only someone would take the time to sit down and read the clues. They are right there. Someone has to look up and see. They have to try before it's too late. The signs are already starting to show.

When has it ever rained in Heaven? This wasn't a light rain either. Those drops looked so fat outside. Some of the angels were already talking about it.

"Why is it raining?"

"Where is it coming from?"

"Is it going to stop?"

"Is it going to poison the garden outside?"

"Why won't it stop raining?"

The rain wasn't something that Heaven could ignore. Miranda was the first to see it. She didn't say anything because she didn't know how to describe it. Turns out she didn't need to.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves here. We still haven't asked the biggest question out there. What happened to Komui Lee? Why isn't anyone looking for him? Why hasn't Heaven said anything about it? What are they hiding? Is there anything to hide?

There's only one person who knows the truth. She saw everything that happened that night. Who is this angel? What all did she see? What does she know? Why hasn't she come forward and said anything? Maybe there's a reason that she can't. Maybe she can't. Maybe she doesn't know how to. Maybe it's both.

Meanwhile, the hard truth is about to send Lenalee spiraling.

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