Chapter 6

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To say the room was grim would be doing it a disservice, Corvus thought to himself, his dark eyes gleaming with anger and suppressed wrath. Despite how warm the room was, with the fire going, he and Millicent were cold to the bone. The healer had just done a physical examination on Harry, the scars that littered the teen...the wounds, the unnatural angle some of his fingers were at, he didn't need to read the results to know at least a few of his bones were broken. The scars...Merlin, he felt sick to his stomach, sure he could torture an adult without breaking sweat, but this...this was an innocent child, and it was done by filthy Muggles.

Harry had put his clothes back on, sat down and was now staring at the floor in rapt fascination. Cheeks red, presumably in embarrassment and shame, at having his secrets laid bare to someone – let alone two someone's – yes he can imagine how it felt. Yet, Corvus did not want that to continue, he wanted Harry to trust him enough to be able to confide in him about anything. "Those beasts will pay with their lives, Mr. Potter, believe me," unable to help the bloodthirsty declaration coming out of his mouth.

Harry's head jerked up to meet his, eye to eye with the Lord Lestrange, he knew right from wrong, murder was wrong, but so was abuse and nobody had done anything about that. Even at eleven, the thought of the Dursley's paying for what they did to him filled him with savage gleefulness. He couldn't deny that he had thought of them dying so many times over the years. Almost as much as he'd dreamed of being rescued, but the reality had set in, he was never going to be rescued, there was nobody to rescue him. Nobody gave a damn. In the end he'd rescued himself with some help from the Goblins and this wizard sitting in front of him. Who was helping him more than was needed, giving him a place to stay. Someone actually wanted to murder on his behalf, unless of course, Corvus was using that as an excuse to do what he wanted. Still, the thought that someone was angry enough to want to deal with the Dursley's meant more to him than he could express.

Corvus had worried his words would have scared the young boy, but far from it. Apparently it's exactly what Harry needed to hear to trust him a little more. Not that he was reading much upon the child's face, he had a blank mask firmly in place, no doubt harnessed over his horrific childhood in order to survive. His eyes gave him away, the dark green glint he could see, that could turn him into a beast, but thankfully Corvus didn't want that. Instead what he wanted was Harry's loyalty and by the looks of it, he was on his way to gaining that and much more.

Millicent coughed discreetly, she definitely didn't want to hear any of that, even if those animals deserved it.

"Repair the damages done to Mr. Potter, everything, I don't care for the cost," Lord Lestrange wrapped himself up in his prestige, despite the fact there was no need for it here. It was more out of habit than any true desire to lord it over Millicent, who was a magnificent healer and also a good friend. He could trust her even without the healer vows in place.

"It will be costly," Millicent said quietly, the rune work sat on the table in front of her, "He's going to need a lot of potions for the next year in order to repair the damage done to him."

"A year?" Corvus questioned, not sure why he was surprised. "How vital is it that the Medi-witch at Hogwarts be informed of his potion intake?" he definitely did not wish to inform Madam Pomfrey, she unlike the healers hadn't been bound by oaths and vows to uphold patient confidentiality. Which meant if they told her, she would inform Dumbledore and he didn't want the old fool knowing anything about Harry.

"The reality is, she should be informed, especially if anything happens while he's there," Millicent explained, "She has to know everything about him in order to prevent an accidental overdose or giving him something that negatively reacts to something else he's taken. You're best bet is to get your own oath from her, prevent her from revealing anything about Harry and ensuring that his file is secured so she cannot just leave it lying for someone to find or in case Dumbledore goes looking." Knowing well enough to realize what was bothering Corvus, it's the same thing that would have bothered them all.

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