Chapter 8

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Albus Dumbledore leaned back in his chair a small smile playing across his face. Hagrid had gladly regaled him of his time with the young Potter boy. Including making sure to add that his parents had been heroes and that they'd both been in Gryffindor along with him, the great Albus Dumbledore. He had no doubt the boy would be a Gryffindor, all Potters had. Of course, he refused to dwell on the fact the boys paternal grandmother was a Black and had been in Slytherin. What the boy didn't would wouldn't hurt him. It didn't hurt to add a few preventative measures into the mix to ensure he went were he belonged. It had been a long ten years waiting for his plans to come to fruition, they were far from complete but by the time he was done they definitely would be. This wasn't his longest game plan by far, but it would be the most rewarding.

Sipping a cup of coffee, he couldn't help but think this was the perfect Saturday. Even as he thought this, he continued to mull over his plans.

It was also his most important game plan as well, the outcome would see to it that the magical world lived in a time of peace and prosperity. It was a shame the young boy would have to die to see it through. The needs of the many surely outweighed the needs of the many, or the one. He held no guilt over his plans of actions, the magical world was more important. Staring at the packaged stone on his desk, he sighed softly, it was time to begin drawing out Tom from whatever hole he was hiding. It was time to begin his plans and ensure they both would try to kill each other, cementing their roles in all this for years to come.

Of course, Albus didn't realize that Hagrid had left a glaring hole in his tale. The fact he had gone with the goblins in Gringotts to get his inheritance settled.

Not that he would remain oblivious long.

His brow wrinkled as he took sight of his correspondence pile, a resigned sigh coming from between his lips. He didn't want any distractions the first few weeks of Harry's schooling. He had to focus on him, to make sure the boy took to him, and begun to look up to him so that when the time came he would do whatever it is that he asked of him. It was vital to build upon a foundation of trust, given the boys childhood it would be easily achieved, no doubt he was desperate for attention and affection. He might as well get started now, it may well take the rest of the summer to get through the pile.

Plucking out the first of the many documents lying on his desk, the first five were work related, approving set Hogsmeade dates and schedules. Albus noticed that more Slytherin and Gryffindor classes were together, nodding his silent approval. Signing the agreements for the scholarships for this year, giving students a chance they wouldn't otherwise. This included one for Ronald Weasley, the sixth Weasley to grace the halls of Hogwarts this generation and there were more still to go. Then there were Fred and George Weasley, three were ever awarded each year. He was supposed to be impartial, but that wasn't the case. Since he had added a forth to ensure Percy Weasley could continue at Hogwarts without Molly and Arthur paying for their son to continue his education. That was favouritism at it's finest, but the Weasley's were his greatest supporters, so of course he'd put them first. Thankfully, nobody was interested in this bar him, not even the board of Governors. Thankfully Bill had graduated so he didn't need to come up with yet another scholarship, which would have been difficult for even him.

Albus continued his work, as the chatter surrounding him from the portraits faded into the background as he hummed under his breath. Occasionally plucking a Sherbet Lemon from his little bowl and indulging a little as he worked. He set aside a few letters to respond to at a later date, best to let them stew a little. That included a letter from Cornelius Fudge the current Minister for Magic, a weasel of man but controllable to an extent. Plus, he wouldn't allow Fudge to see Harry Potter, which clearly was what the wizard wanted.

Glancing at the date, he noticed he'd gotten through two days correspondence, no three days, the letter from Gringotts was into it's third day. He had an entire fortnight to get through, having been too busy with the ICW, the wizengamot, the council of magic and everything else in-between. Don't get him wrong, it was busy, but he would want it no other way. He was the most important person in the magical world, had all the power, and everyone wanted to be him or learn from him or sought guidance from him. Being Minister would have severely limited his influence, being Headmaster offered him everything he could have possible wanted.

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