Chapter 13

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First Year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

To say Harry was feeling a whole slew of different emotions would be putting it lightly. Due to the fact Corvus believed Dumbledore would have many people stationed around the platform of nine and three quarters he elected to say goodbye at the manor. He however, refused to let Harry go on his own, nobody deserved to go alone, especially with their first trip to the train. With so many people around, Corvus believed he'd use Alastor Moody to look for Harry, and as good as he was the wizard could see through all disguises. Definitely not worth the hassle, he needed to find a way to block the blasting magical eye of his in future. For that, he had brought in the wizard who helped Harry feel most at ease. Adam Greengrass, Daphne's father, who was seeing his own daughter to the train this morning anyway.

"...take your time, do not let anyone rush you," Corvus continued to say, but Adam Greengrass had a knowing look on his face as he deliberately faced away from the pair. Eyeing the fireplace as he thought on his own family. His daughter was saying her last minute goodbyes to her sister - who was too sick to come with them - and their mother wished to remain behind to watch over Astoria not trusting the House-elves to do an adequate job.

"I won't," Harry said sincerely, his stomach twisting unpleasantly, perhaps he shouldn't have eaten any breakfast at all. Unfortunately, Corvus wouldn't let him leave the table without something in his stomach. He had gone without too long, and he refused to see him decline out of nerves he'd said.

"I've put lunch in your bag, I know the temptation to eat nothing but sweets is big, but please refrain, I've added a few sweets you might like in your lunch that you're allowed." Corvus explained, the sweets that had been okayed by Millicent were nothing on what was available for purchase on the trolley. "It's a long train ride, so make sure you have a few books in your bag."

"I did," Harry nodded, he'd been aware that the ride was long, seven to eight hours long as a matter of fact. He'd added his cards and Rune Dominoes too, just in case anyone wanted to play.

"Be aware of any changes in someone when they learn your name, these are people you should avoid," Corvus added, "Fame seekers come in all shapes, sizes and ages. You want friends who will be equals not riding on your coattails, those sorts will only bring you down." that was something he didn't want Harry to experience.

"I promise," Harry declared, giving Corvus a sweet smile for caring. He loved the fact someone cared enough to offer advice, he wasn't used to it yet, but he would get there, Corvus would make sure of it.

"Good, I look forward to hearing where you've been placed, and I'll see you on Saturday," Corvus said, he hadn't felt like this since he had seen Rabastan off to Hogwarts for the first time all those years ago. He didn't question how it is he could care for someone so much in such a short space of time. He was just grateful that his life wasn't so empty anymore. And it had been empty, so very empty.

Both of them stood there awkwardly for a few moments before Corvus remembered his promise to himself. Stepping forward, he wrapped his arms around Harry and brought him into a hug. He wasn't by any means a physical contact kind of man, except when it came to family. So, hearing Greengrass give a little voice of surprise, he ignored it in favour of making sure Harry knew welcoming touches in his life. He'd had so little of it, nobody deserved to have only violence in their lives. Whispering into Harry's ear, giving him one last piece of advice. "But most importantly of all, have fun and enjoy the experience, do not let anyone take that away from you." Because he had a feeling Dumbledore surely would try.

"I'll try," Harry informed Corvus, he would do his best, the only thing about the school he was looking forward to was maybe having some friends and the library. Although Corvus said it wasn't as grand as it had been in his time, and well, the Lestrange library was two to three times bigger than what Hogwarts had to offer. Understandable since the Lestranges' had every magical arts known to the wizarding world, and even some they had forgotten. Anything Hogwarts has, Lestrange library had too in other words. Only they weren't limiting knowledge of magic to a single branch.

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