stolas new love?

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Stolas pov:

*I had been in this hospital for a about 1 weeks after the whole striker attempt to kill me but failed but I ended up getting hurt baldy but lucky blitzo employees were able to help me out before he was able to take my eyes I been just laying in this bed for who knows how long and I keep looking at all the messages of me and blitzo and i just feel awful knowing that he didn't love me he just used me for my book*

Stolas: *sigh* oh blitz....have I just been that desperate for your love that I was blind to see how you really felt about me...

*Stolas realized that he been crying as he felt so cold so alone that he felt like he could just die and no one would care about him he doesn't even know how Octavia feels about him he knows she loves him but where is she....did she actually not care about him...... He then heard the door knocked as he turn to look while trying to pretend he never cried*

??? Pov:

*I walked inside to see stolas looking at the window as I walked to his side with my clipboard as I cleared my throat to get his attention and when he looked at me I can assume he was surprised to see not his doctor or a nurse but a new demon as I worse a coat gloves and a hat and the plague mask*

???: good evening stolas my name is dr shadow I will be checking and changing your bandages and making sure your healing well

*I then started to do the process of changing his bandages and cleaning the wound to make sure their not infected stolas was very quiet and every now and then I would catch him starting at me with a blush  but would look away I found it cute and I would chuckle from his embarrassed face and Everytime I touch his arm or anything his feathers would puff up a bit*

Dr shadow: hehehe hey it ok you don't have to be nervous at all I'm just here to help you

*I then kept changing his bandages as it was then done*

Dr shadow: alright all done with changing your bandages stolas

No one pov:

*Stolas was so confused he didn't know why his feathers would puff up when ever Dr shadow would just simply touch him but he felt his warmth like he felt safe and he wish he can be able to hold him close even if they just met vyt he wish it could last longer*

*Dr shadow chuckled as he can sniff his emotions as he knew how he felt it was confusing as he then got ready to leave stolas saw this and was getting a bit scared he only knew him for a bit but he didn't want him to leave at all he wanted to him to keep him here for a bit more*

*Stolas knows that this is wrong for him to just try to ask someone he barely knows to stay for him but he could do anything*

Stolas: PLS DON'T GO *covers his mouth in embarrassment*

*Stolas was so embarrassed about screaming like that and out of no where he felt tears leaving his eyes as he true to resist the urge to cry but he couldn't hold it he felt pathetic..... but he felt a tap on his shoulder and he looked up to see Dr shadow with a flower*

Dr shadow: pls don't cry your highness their is no need to be embarrassed about anything I'm sure you were just not ready to be alone am I right?

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Dr shadow: pls don't cry your highness their is no need to be embarrassed about anything I'm sure you were just not ready to be alone am I right?

*He nodded his head while looking ashamed like a kid who got caught*

Dr shadow: I will stay here and you don't get a say in this you clearly need some company and I will be happy to keep you company stolas

*He then sit next to stolas on the bed as stolas was shocked that a demon had just decided to stay with him and he didn't had to beg him or pay him to do anything he was willing to keep him company*

Stolas: I.... I'm sorry for shouting I never ment to shout

*I stoped him mid sentence *

Dr shadow: hey it ok no need to be shy or embarrassed and besides your not the only person who likes my presence hehehehe

*I laughed a bit as I made some small owl noises Stolas was a bit shocked that an owl demon was working in a hospital but he looks down to see this demon has a hellhound tail it was quite fluffy looking so he wants to ask him that question later*

*They soon started to talk for hours and hours it seems they to have gone through something the same but different and they seem to really boned stolas heart was beating Everytime he was near him but stolas couldn't live someone he met that impossible.......right.....?*

*Did stolas find a new love interest or is this another blind sided love find out more when I make another part or if I can't maybe your guys can help me make another part since this is my first time* enjoy the story guys
Btw art that I did is mine but I used reference to help me out

stolas new love Where stories live. Discover now