a new beginning

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No one pov:

*It has been about a month and stolas was now good as new and was out of the hospital and he was in his studies doing his Royal duty's as a royal person he had a lot of work to get done and he was getting stressed on how much their was so much work but through time to time he would think about Dr shadow he never saw how he looked without the mask and his clothes....not in a naked way no no no no no no no no no no no he was just saying how he looked in normal clothes instead of what he wears not that he looks bad or anything it just he wish he can see him again even when he and Dr shadow had spoken when stolas was in the hospital but he never ask for his number he was to shy like he choked on his word to say anything*

Stolas: *ohhhhh why must their be so much work.... I really need a break or maybe some tea or perhaps some coffee in a coffee shop yes that sounds good*

*Stolas then stood up and then went straight to his room to dress in some casual clothes since he want to do something before he goes back to work as he made his way to the door he informed his servants to make sure that via is safe on this house*

*He couldn't help but remember what that cowboy said about getting near his daughter he didn't want to risk her to be in danger so he went inside his limo as it took him to a near coffee shop*

*He arrived at the coffee shop as he saw their were some demons looking at him but he didn't mind it as he entered some demons were shocked and relief to see stolas alright and to see that he survived as he made his way to the counter he then began to order his usual*

Coffee shops employee: yes your highness we will get that coffee right away pls have a seat while we deliver it to you

*Stolas then noded as he went to find a seat till he spotted a familiar hat and mask till he was shocked to see Dr shadow and he didn't had his mask and his hat*

*Stolas then noded as he went to find a seat till he spotted a familiar hat and mask till he was shocked to see Dr shadow and he didn't had his mask and his hat*

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(This is what dr shadow also know as shadow josh looks like)

*Stolas couldn't help but stared at him in amazement as his Dr was a hellhound but their was imp like horns on his head and his hands stolas looked at his hands and at his Dr hands their were the same he was so confused and was sho shocked by his doctor actually appearance*

Stolas: (make an owl sound as he blushes) *oh my goodness what kind of demon are you..but I won't like he is kinda cute...WAIT what am I thinking don't think like that he is your doctor even if he had a cute horns and cute tail and beautiful eyes and handsome...ahhhh what am i thinking snap out of it stolas*

???: hey you ok stolas?

*Stolas then snap out of his trance as he sees his doctor right in front of him as his feathers puffed up a bit out of fear and shear embarrassment as he was so close to him*

Stolas: oh uhhh hello Dr shadow uhhhh nice seeing you here uhhh I was just uhhh I was out and I uhhh I well ohh is it getting hot in here hehehe I uhh

Dr shadow: hey hey hey chill ok and don't call me Dr shadow just call me shadow josh and i see you don't have anywhere to sit so your welcome to sit with me

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