the apology tour

299 17 3

No one pov

We open up to the part where a beautiful water filling a large pool and Stolas laying down in a lounge chair bedside a tea under a royal tent in his garden Redding a book with a cup of wine on a table next to him then Blitzø appears a little way climbing over a brick wall

Blitzø: hello hello hello stolas you have- AH!

Stolas take Norco of bltizø but not happy but scowls at blitzo for the harsh and heartbreaking words he said that night he cover his face in his book as bltizø climbs out of a carnivorous plant from biting his foot

Bltizø: you haven't been answering my texts and I sent a bunch of funny shit so what gives?

Stolas: I was hoping my lack of "ha ha's" in response to the photos you sent would be an indicator I didn't wan to talk right now

Blitzø: oh come on stolas we just had a rough night sides you always want to hear from me

Bltizø then tried to get his attention by using in his fingers to press down the middle of the book so he and stolas would be eye to eye stolas then sighs as he closes the book

Stolas: what is it you want bltizø?

Bltizø: I want to feel like I'm earning my way to earth kay? So get your tight feathered ass out of that lawn chair and into the bedroom so I can fuck it~

But stolas seems unfazed even after bltizø climbs on top of him

Stolas: *sarcastically* wow pottery I'm sure such statement would have had me swooning by now~

(Pause for a minute I love how stolas is becoming so sassy like a sassy queen he is ahhh I love him)

Bltizø: uhhh i- sh- yeah sure that wa- okay that was shitty way for me to say it- but you usually like it when I talk all dirty and fucky and shit

Stolas stops in his tracks and turn his head to a scowl at bltizø the sound effect of a crow cawing behind

Bltizø: come on we don't do words we do sex!

Stolas: As shocking as this might seem blitzo *eye twitch* I don't think I'm in the mood to *finger quotes* "do sex" with you in fact i don't think I'm even in the mood to do words with you *walks off* so how about you respect that?

Blitzø: *follows* oh come on stolas you can't mean that you always love seeing this

Stolas: seeing you right now is hard I don't want to feel worse than I already do

As he put the book down on the table he pick up an envelope with words "you're invited"

Stolas: it bad enough I got an invite to this anit-blitzi party an honorary invite for being your freshest ex

Bltizø: anti blitzo party? Who the fuck behind this *reaches for it*

Stolas: oh it entirely immature I'd never indulge this nonsense it's silly

Bltizø: real silly *rips the invitation from stolas* real fucking classy

Stolas: kind of them to invite me though it might be rude to not make an appearance

Bltizø is then shocked to see who signed this paper

Bltizø: VERONIKA?! of course that fucking bitch

Stolas: I will say it rather concerning you have an entire party devoted to hating you blitzø

Shadowjosh pov:

I was watching the entire thing from stolas braking the deal off with bltizø to this now

Shadowjosh: Jesus this is the imp that stolas loved? I don't see the appeal he just sound and looks like an entire asshole

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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