the deal is off

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No one pov:

It was the full moon it was time for stolas and blitzo to go on with their "passion" night but......stolas didn't want to do it anymore.....h...he felt sick to his stomach just thinking about doing it again with blitzo but he didn't just want to cut the deal off and let blitzo company go down he worked hard for him and his employees to have a job

.....stolas needed help he need to speak with asmodeus...

Time skip at the end of the episode and I'm sure you all know what episode I'm talking about if not

Here is the video to remember that stolas has to talk with asmodeus if he can get a crystal for blitzo

Stolas pov:

I was sitting in my bedroom with the crystal in my hand as I waited for blitzø I just didn't know how to tell him that the deal was off

Stolas: *sigh* ohh dear this is harder than I expected mmm how do I say it mmm "uhm blitzo uhhh their no need for-" oh no no no noo

Stolas was stressing out as he sit on the bed and grip his head as he was frustrated as he didn't know how to tell someone he use to love that they shouldn't see each other

How he wished their was something easier to do this then before he can continue

*Shatter glass* FUCK

The familiar voice was heard was blitzo as stolas took a deep breath and walked to where blitzo was and see him try to cover up a broken bass

Blitzo: *groan* alright uhh stolas uhh let get this over with and uhh hope you feel ok after the whole kidnapping thing


Stolas tried to speak but his words was stuck he couldn't even make a sound

Blitzo: what you ok or something?

Stolas then took deep breaths and let it out then he remembered something


Stolas had called shadowjosh to probably help him out with the whole deal of course he left out the part where he fuck an imp

Shadowjosh: well when you want to cancel things you gotta be gentle but when they refuse to listen you have to stand your ground and speak from the heart

Stolas: but how how do I even start it ?

Shadowjosh: their is no way to start it since your the one that talking your the one who gets to decide on how to start you just gotta speak on how you felt and how you feel now

Shadowjosh then grab his hand gently as he rub his thumb against stolas hand to comfort him

Shadowjosh: it hard to do something that is hard but I know that you have what it takes to take charge in what you think it best

Flashback ended



Bltizø: STOLAS!!

stolas then jump a bit

Stolas: ahh oh sorry bltizø I was just thinking about something

Bltizø: what thinking about my hu- w..wait did you just said my name correctly?

Stolas didn't back down as he stood his ground

Stolas: yes bltizø I did I realized that no matter on how much I do for you how much I show that I care for you more than just thinking about you and me having sex I decided that the.....that..... That the deal is off

When stolas said those words bltizø felt a sinking  feeling

Blitzø: what uhhh what does this mean?

Stolas: now don't worry I found a different way for you to continue your work

Bltizø: wait stolas uhh let not just do something out of the blue but uhh we uhh we can use some toys to uhhh spi-

Before he can finish stolas handed him the crystal he was familiar with

Bltizø: w..wait this is

Stolas: yes now you don't have to deal with me anymore bltizø your free....

Stolas said as his eyes narrowed to nothing but disgusting and hatred as bltizø looked hurt....

Blitzø: hehe uhh wow uhhh ok but how about like uhh maybe one more time before uhh...w..we say our goodbyes or uhh how about a dinner date

Stolas: so you can stalk your employees thank you bltizø

Stolas said it with such a cold tone that it sends shiver down blitzo spin

Stolas: you may leave at once bltizø

Stolas then walks away as he exists the room as the door closes the door he wip away a single tear

Bltizø pov

W...what did....just.... Did I

Did I just get dump?

Bltizø felt a pain in his chest

He felt cold

And regret

Bltizø left the mansion as he look back at the mansion hoping this was a dream or something but he never saw stolas running out or anything

Blitzø had push the person that loved him but he kept pushing him away

Bltizø:...........what have I done............

Bltizø then walked back the building feeling a pain on his chest and their was nothing he could do

Stolas pov


Stolas felt free

He then took a look at the picture of him and shadowjosh together

(The picture is the one where stolas is curdling with shadowjosh)

He felt happy

True happiness

He felt his heart flutter his owl tail swaying from side to side like a dog

He blush as he felt so happy and this was the first time in his life that he smiled this is gonna be a change where he can now experience true love with shadowjosh

He didn't need bltizø anymore he shadowjosh that will love him and return feeling for him or not shut him down

No one pov

Shadowjosh: *sneeze* achoo *sniff*

Butler Alfred: are you alright sir?

Shadowjosh: ye I'm ok I think someone one was talking about me?

Alfred: mm interesting

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