the date

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No one pov

Ever since stolas had that dream he can't stop thinking about shadowj at all he could only think of him he tried to get some work done but he can't stop thinking about him it was a hard time for stolas he didn't know what to do he felt stuck did he really had feelings for someone he barley knows or is it just another blind love he was so confused and so tired

Stolas pov:

Ohh why am I thinking about him come on stolas get it together just try to get work done....oh but he was so gentle and so passionate in my dream I felt him warmth I can even hear his voice oh his eyes the way how he gazed upon me so vulnerable~ so helpless oh ho I wish it was real so he can- No no nononononononononono stolas get it together

That when stolas looked between his legs and saw someone awake as he blushes and look down in embarrassment

Stolas: oh I'm such a mess...

*Ring ring ring*

Stolas looked at the phone as a mistake appears and showed that it was shadowj stolas then was drinking tea but when he saw it he chock while making an owl noises as he panic and tried to grab his phone but ended up almost dropping it and he tries to catch it like if the phone was alive or something

He then feels with a thud as he answers the phone and tries to act like he didn't feel to the floor at all

Stolas: oh hello hello hello uhhh how are you uhh I uhh hehe

Shadowj: stolas hello listen I was wondering if you would like to talk because I'm at a business called I.M.P. and I uhhh just want to talk about something of your business partners blitzo?

Stolas was then shocked as he didn't know what to say

Stolas: oh uhh yes we can talk uhh what tim-

Shadowj: now

Stolas was a bit taken aback but then agreed

*10 minutes later*

Shadowj pov:

Me and stolas was sitting at a table as he was looking nervous I can tell since I been a doctor and can Sense people emotion as he and I talk abit on our life

Shadowj: stolas...why did you cheated on your wife ?

Stolas looked shocked and taken a back but didn't answer as he looked down in shame

Shadowj: why cheat on her when you have a wife and a daughter and especially with an imp I'm not mad or disgusted I just want to understand

Stolas still looked down as he was having trouble to speak I then put my hand on his as he blushed a bit and looked at me as I gave him a gentle smile that meant "you can tell me anything" it seemed to work as he took a deep breath and let it out

Stolas: I uhhh mmmm we never really loved each other you are aware of arranged marriage right...

I then noded my head as I'm an overlord I just chose not to show since me and my family are forgotten

Stolas: I never loved Stella at all she is just an a uhh a brat who act like a child we were just supposed to have a child so we cam continue the family blood line

He then explained the whole history of blitzo and him and the whole mess on how it started and told me on about the attempt assassin on him as he kept talking I can feel the rage and my magic flair up through the shit blitzo put him through of the embarrassment in Ozzie's

But I couldn't stay mad as I had to keep my cool as me and stolas kept talking for awhile as stolas and me had a good time we talked we even watch some TV or and a movie together we then both got to know each other but I would sometimes say a compliment but he would blush uncontrollably as I chuckled about his reaction

Then it was time for me to go as I know his relationship as I then decided to stay a bit longer

Shadowj: stolas whenever you had an like sex with someone and if you felt something for blitzo then that was your long desire for true love but it was with the wrong person

Stolas: but how do I know it the right person

Shadowj: you don't *takes his hand as I pulled him close to me as he looked at my eyes* you just need to understand on who you truly want listen to your heart and listen to your desire and perhaps you might find the one your looking for

Stolas tried to look away but I hold his chin as I mad him look at me as we were so close it look like we are about to kiss

Shadowj: I hope to see you again my little song bird~

I then let him go as I walked to the door as I then wink as I left as I was on the other side of the door as I leaned against the door as I hold my chest as it sounded hard as I breath heavily as I was blushing hard

Shadowj: oh my good I can't believe I just did that ohhh god he was so adorable mmmmmm

I then cover my face as I created a portal to go to my house mansion quickly

Stolas pov:

After that I stood their so shock and blushing hard as my heart was pounding like it was try to burst out of my chest as I then went on my knees as i was shocked i then

As what felt like forever I stood up and sit down on the couch as I was embarrassed

Stolas: my true desire?

I placed my hand in my chest where my heart was pounding as I felt warm and happy

Was this


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