stolas dream(18+)

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Stolas pov:

*stolas was in his bed sleeping alone since he divorced his wife Stella now that she gone he doesn't have to deal with her anymore and now he is sleeping on his bed alone as he sleeps his started to feel into a deep sleep as he woke up but it wasn't in his room it was in a..... highschool?.... And he would see blitzo and the other imps moxxie and Millie might have been their name and blitzo daughter well adopted daughter loona they seem to be like some sort of students and everyone that stolas knew are their with them acting like a school he was confused*

Stolas: (mm this is strange to say the least am I a student? Is this a dream? I have so many questions right now)

*Before he could continue his question the door open and it was.....Dr shadow and he was the professor he wore the most attractive suit that a hot sexy professor would wear his feather puffs up as he was blushing hard and his voice was so deep but sounded the same but kinda deep in a sexy way*

Dream Professor shadow: alright class settle down pls now we are gonna talk about the solar system is the Stars now pay attention kids *conjure a reddish purplish that shows the entire class the solar system and the space out beyond time*

*Some of them was amazed while some didn't care stolas was not focused at all he was more focused on dream professor shadow more then the lesson he never realized it but he was drawing a picture of him and his dream professor together in a naughty way as he blushes hard he didn't notice but someone took away the paper he drew away he looked on who did it and it was Stella brother he looked at the picture and was laughing and was teasing him about it*

Dream andrealphus: ooooh my stolas I never knew you like professor shadow that way how embarrassing ohhhh

Stolas: *blushes hard and was angry* give that back give it to me right now pls

Dream professor shadow: stolas and andrealphus what is going on you better have an excuse to interrupt my class *he had a star that can kill Lucifer himself*

Dream andrealphus: *smirks as he walks up to the professor and gives him stolas drawing of them together and walkes away back to his seat*

*Dream professor adjust his glasses as he looks at it was was shocked to see what he saw as he looked as Stolas as he put his head down as tried to resist the urge to cry and put his head down as everyone laughed at him of his embarrassment*

*As everyone kept laughing they stop as they heard a loud bang on a desk as they see professor shadow fist on his desk to silence them as he walk up to stolas and gave him his drawing as stolas hold it tightly to his chest as he felt tears leaving...

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*As everyone kept laughing they stop as they heard a loud bang on a desk as they see professor shadow fist on his desk to silence them as he walk up to stolas and gave him his drawing as stolas hold it tightly to his chest as he felt tears leaving and rolling down his was over....... All over.....*

Dream professor shadow: stolas stay here till the end of class you and I will have a little talk *his voice was kinda cold and sounded like anger*

*He continues his lessons as everyone was whispering on what will happen to stolas as stolas was filled with shame and guilt and sadness and anger....soon class came to an end and everyone left except for stolas and professor shadow it was movement nothing......*

Stolas:.....s...s....s...sir I can uhh explain I wasn't....i uhh I was I uhhh-

Dream professor shadow: sit on my lap...

*Blushes hard as he said that I was blushing hard and my feathers fluffed up*!?

*Professor shadow sit on a chair as he pat his lap and motions him to sit on it stolas was hesitant but walked slowly to him as he nervously sit on his lap he was blushing hard and he was embarrassed as professor then caresses his cheeks as he then touched and caress his waist stolas shivers from his warm touch he felt himself getting hard already and tries to cover it but shadow stops him and put his hand on his shoulders as he then felt something poking his owl rear he looked behind and was surprised to see his bulge he was shocked and scared.....but turned on by this shadow then started to rub his thighs and his legs as he was close to touching his member through his pants as he was breathing hot breath he then felt his teeth and lips and his tongue grazing a bit in his neck he was in pure bliss as he felt his hybrid hellhound hands on his owl rear and touching his owl tail with such care*

Stolas: *stuttering and moaning a bit as he was blushing and he felt like he was on heat* s...s....sir pls w....we can't do this I uhh I uhh

Professor shadow leans towards my lips I felt his bulge against mine as I leaned in close to touch his lips and before I could I heard him said something in a deep voice that send shiver to my spin

Professor shadow: I love you my little owl~

*Stolas woke up in a cold sweat as he was blushing hard as he felt his heart beating fast so much he felt like it would stop he then noticed something he looked under the covers as saw he was really turned on and he cream on the sheets he was beyond embarrassed and was processing what was happening but he knew now that he loves shadowjosh more than he loves him more than blitzo*

Sorry I couldn't get another story I was busy at school but I hope you all like this story

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