The unwanted arrangement

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I had been dreading this moment since I'd heard whispers in the Falligan court about an impending alliance with the kingdom of Nighlegale. My heart thundered in my chest as I sat in the grand hall. I was running my hand repeatedly across the hem of my sleeve nervously. I felt a surge of anger as my parents, the king and queen, sat in their opulent gold thrones in front of me. My stomach ached as my parents entered the hall followed by their royal guard. I stood as they passed me, my mother giving me a small sympathetic smile. They sat in their large thrones decorated in gold leaves.

"Elara, my dear," my mother, the queen, began, "it is time for you to consider marriage, and we have chosen Prince Denin of Nightingale as your suitor."

My heart sank. "But Mother, I don't love him," I protested.

My father, The king, sighed, "It is for the good of the kingdom, Elara. Our alliance with Nightingale is crucial."

I shook her head, tears welling in my eyes."I will not marry for an alliance!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with fury.

My father sighed heavily and spoke with a tone of finality. "Elara, it is our duty to secure alliances for the kingdom. Your sister's marriage to the king of spring started the same way, and she is now happily married."

I fought back the tears of frustration that threatened to spill from my eyes. "But I want to marry for love, not politics!"

Her mother stepped in, her eyes filled with understanding. "Elara, we know this is difficult, but duty to the kingdom sometimes outweighs personal desires."

Defeated, My shoulders slumped as I realized that I had no choice in the matter. As my parents continued to discuss the upcoming wedding plans, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and sadness. Would I ever find love in a marriage forged for political gain? I doubt it.

I excused myself and rushed back to my chambers. I have to get away from everything, I need silence. My royal guards swung the two large wood doors to my room open. The doors shut with a heavy thud behind me and I threw myself onto my bed. My body began to sob, should I get shaking violently. How could my parents do this to me? I'm the youngest of 3 royal children and don't feel like I should have to marry for political purposes when my two older siblings could.

Honestly, I'd always known something like this would happen. My parents had an arranged marriage, and my sister had one to the king of springdalin. Although, Adaline was chosen by the king himself. He'd met her at a ball in the summer court before his father passed on the throne to him and he asked his dad to negotiate a marriage. Adaline was pissed. She thought he was a creep and wanted nothing to do with him. I guess he won her over though because they have 4 kids now.

After what seemed like hours of crying, I finally couldn't cry anymore. My stomach growled loudly reminding me dinner in the hall was quickly approaching. I moved across my large room over to my vanity and sat down. My fiery red hair was a mess on top of my head and my face was blotchy with red. I started to drag my golden comb through my hair when a knock at my door and an announcement from my guards filled the room. The royal guards stood at attention as they announced the arrival of My lady's maid, Lyra. Feeling the weight of the impending news I had to share, I greeted her with a forced smile. Lyra, my loyal friend and confidante, entered the grand chamber with a serious expression, knowing that something was troubling me.

"Elara, my dearest friend, what's wrong?" Lyra inquired with concern as she crossed the room to where I sat at my vanity, her eyes gazing at my splotchy complexion.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face Lyra and began to speak. "Lyra, I am being made to marry the prince of Nightingale Denin. My father has arranged the union, and there is no escaping it." My voice trembled with the weight of my despair, my eyes brimming with unshed tears.

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