Tell him

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I was sitting in the study, lost in thought when my mother entered the room. I instantly stood and bowed my head to her. My heart beating heavily in surprise.

Her expression was serious as she gently approached me. "Elara, my dear," she began, "your father and I have made a decision. We believe it is important for you to visit the Nightlegale court and get to know Prince Denin. It is of utmost importance for the stability and prosperity of our kingdom." My heart sank as I realized my parents really were insisting on this arrangement.

I sat still and quietly as my mother continued, "Elara, it is time for you to fulfill your duty as a princess," she said firmly, her tone brooking no argument.

Hadn't I been fulfilling my duty as a princess since birth? All the responsibilities, all the things I've done before them deciding this, meant nothing to them. I can see that now.

"But Mother, I don't want to go to the night court," I protested, my voice quivering. "I don't want to meet Denin, I don't even know him. I don't want to be forced into this marriage."

The queen's eyes narrowed, her regal features hardening. "You will go to the night court, Elara, and you will make an effort to get to know Denin," she insisted, her voice carrying the weight of her authority. "This marriage has been arranged for the good of our kingdom, and as a princess, it is your duty to uphold our family's alliances."

Frustration and fear bubbled within me as I struggled to contain my emotions. I wanted to scream and cry at the unfairness of it all, to demand the right to choose my own path. However, I was trapped by the expectations that weighed heavily on me as a member of the royal family.

Unable to hold back my tears any longer, I whispered, "What about love?"

My mother's expression softened slightly as she took a step closer to her daughter. "You may fall in love with him, my dear. He will care for you and he knows the responsibilities that come with marriage," she reassured Me, though her eyes held a hint of concern.

For Me, the thought of disappointing Aiderian was almost as unbearable as the prospect of marrying a man I'd never met. I longed for his support and understanding, yet the thought of confessing my predicament filled me with dread.

As the weight of my mother's expectations pressed down on me, I felt a mix of anger, frustration, and fear swirl inside me. I know I have no choice but to obey, but the echoes of my own desires and the looming shadow of Aiderian's reaction weighed heavily on my troubled heart.


My heart raced as I crept out of my chambers, careful not to make a sound. The dimly lit halls of the castle were eerily quiet as I made my way to the horse stalls where I was to meet Aiderian. I clutched the edges of my cloak tightly, feeling the weight of my secret pressing down on me. My steps were hesitant as I snuck through the shadows, the fear of being caught gnawing at my insides.

Finally, I reached the horse stalls and caught sight of Aiderian waiting for me in the moonlight. With a racing pulse and a tangle of emotions, I rushed to him, the words heavy on my tongue. "Aiderian, I have something to tell you," I began, my voice trembling.

Aiderian's eyes narrowed as he looked at me, a mix of concern and anger flickering in his gaze. "What is it, Elara?" he demanded, sensing the weight of my confession.

Taking a deep breath, I confessed about my arranged marriage to Prince Denin, my voice was barely above a whisper. Aiderian's jaw clenched as he listened, the hurt and anger clear in his eyes. "You're betrothed to him? After all we've shared?" he exclaimed, his voice betraying his anguish.

Tears glistened in My eyes as I reached out to touch Aiderian's arm, my own heart aching with the pain I had inflicted. "I had no choice, Aiderian. My father arranged it for the alliance it would bring to our kingdom," I pleaded, my voice quivering.

Aiderian pulled away, his expression a mix of betrayal and fury. "You could have fought for us, for our love," he spat out, his bitterness evident in his tone.

"I didn't know what to do, Aiderian. No one even knows about us. I'm so sorry," I whispered.

Aiderian turned away, grappling with the swell of emotions consuming him. "What do you want from me, Elara?" he asked, his voice strained with hurt.

Desperation flickered in My eyes as I grasped for a solution. "I want to find a way out of this marriage. I want to make sure Prince Denin ends up hating me. We can work together, Aiderian," I proposed, the determination seeping into my voice.

Aiderian turned back to face me, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within him. "And what if he doesn't hate you? What then?" he challenged, struggling to reconcile his feelings.

My gaze held his with a steely resolve. "Then I'll find another way. I won't let this happen," I vowed.

Our eyes locked in a tangle of emotions, and in the midst of turmoil, the truth of our connection remained unshakeable. Aiderian's anger ebbed, and he reached out to cup my face in his hands. "I can't bear the thought of losing you, Elara," he murmured, the vulnerability in his voice breaking through.

As our eyes met, the weight of our shared struggle engulfed us, and in a poignant moment of solace, our lips met in a fervent kiss. His tongue swept across my bottom lip begging for entrance, which I obliged. The kids turned needy as he ran his hands down my waist and cupped my ass. It was a bittersweet promise, a desperate defiance against the forces that sought to keep them apart.

In that stolen moment of vulnerability, Aiderian and I clung to each other, our hearts entwined in a tumultuous dance of love and fate. Our whispered promises and fervent embraces echoed in the night, a fleeting sanctuary amidst the impending storm that loomed over their hearts.

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