chapter three - zombie slayer

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Leon raises his finger to signal you to be quiet as he crouches down to see below.

Through the metal rusting bars, he scans the area and glances back at you. "This way," he whispers, and you both go down the dark hallway.

"Give me a hand," he insists coldly and leans down with his hands intertwined.

He wants to lift me?

You look up and notice a ladder. You raise a brow at him, but he doesn't seem at all concerned, so you follow orders.

You put your foot on his hands, and with a quick motion, he lifts you like nothing. You quickly grab and climb the ladder to push it down for him.

This is going to become routine, isn't it?

You scan the room quickly and notice only a window provides for an exit and a massive church bell.

"Great." you retort, watching Leon rush to the window, examining the distance, and jump over it like this is a jungle gym.

"Come on, I'll catch you!" he tells you from below as you lean over the ledge to peer your head. The rain is is becoming heavier now.

"This is too far! I'll hurt you!" you shout back.

"I told you, you have to trust me!" Leon responds.

"No way, Leon! You're insane!" You push yourself off the railing and grunt with exasperation. "This is insane! This is insane!" you begin. You turn around and notice rope on a barrel.

This has to work.

You tie the end to the bell, and it's just long enough to go over the window.

"I'm coming down!" you yell and tug on the rope, ensuring it's secure. "Here goes nothing," you mumble and begin to climb down. With your feet against the stone walls, you slowly climb down.

"So you're one smart cookie, huh?" He says with a grin.

"Just using my head, Leon." You tease, and you can hear him chuckle shortly under his breath.

Maybe there is a human underneath the brawn...

You're a quarter of the way down until you feel the rope begin to give out. "Uh oh," you say, and the rope completely snaps. Your body feels weightless as you fall and expect to land on the ground, bound to break something. Instead, the next thing you see is Leon's fearful expression as you land in his arms bridal style.

"I told you to trust me." He says in a husky tone.

"At least I didn't break you." You quickly respond and smile as he sets you down.

"You couldn't break me even if you tried." He says, and suddenly, his radio is beeping.

"Roost to Condor one! Do you copy?" A woman's voice says.

"Copy. I've secured Baby Eagle." He replies as he helps you down to the muddy floor.

With relief, the woman says: "Good work, Condor one! I'll send a chopper your way. Wait for further instructions. Roost out." The call ends, and you travel with him around to the church entrance.

You notice the villager's torches are lighting the way to where you need to go.

"Stay close. These residents are getting evil." He commands, and you get right behind him.

The villagers are all more terrifying up close than you anticipated. Their rotting flesh and stench is impeccably horrendous.

An expert in zombie slaying, Leon whips his handgun and one-shots the walking dead one by one in the head. If he feels up to it, he'll kick the crap out of them. They come slashing with their axes and pitchforks, but Leon quickly evades and slashes them in the neck with a knife.

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